Contributions in reviewed journals / magazines of Martin Banse
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Freund F, Soisontes S, Laquai V, Banse M (2025) Global land-use implications of preference shifts towards regional feed and sustainable diets in Germany and the European Union. Ecol Econ 228:108455, DOI:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2024.108455
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Fournier Gabela JG, Spiegel A, Stepanyan D, Freund F, Banse M, Gocht A, Söder M, Heidecke C, Osterburg B, Matthews A (2024) Carbon leakage in agriculture: when can a carbon border adjustment mechanism help? Climate Pol 24(10):1410-1425, DOI:10.1080/14693062.2024.2387237
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Spiegel A, Heidecke C, Fournier Gabela JG, Stepanyan D, Söder M, Freund F, Gocht A, Banse M, Osterburg B (2024) Climate change mitigation in agriculture beyond 2030: Options for carbon pricing and carbon border adjustment mechanisms. EuroChoices 23(1):19-27, DOI:10.1111/1746-692X.12425
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Herzberg R, Schneider F, Banse M (2023) Policy instruments to reduce food loss prior to retail - Perspectives of fruit and vegetable supply chain actors in Europe. Waste Manag 170:354-365, DOI:10.1016/j.wasman.2023.09.019
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Sturm V, Banse M, Salamon P (2022) The role of feed-grade amino acids in the bioeconomy: Contribution from production activities and use in animal feed. Cleaner Environ Syst 4:100073, DOI:10.1016/j.cesys.2022.100073
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Szarka N, Haufe H, Lange N, Schier F, Weimar H, Banse M, Sturm V, Dammer L, Piotrowski S, Thrän D (2021) Biomass flow in bioeconomy: Overview for Germany. Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev 150:111449, DOI:10.1016/j.rser.2021.111449
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Hoeffner K, Beylich A, Chabbi A, Cluzeau D, Dascalu D, Graefe U, Guzman G, Hallaire V, Hanisch J, Landa B, Linsler D, Menasseri S, Öpik M, Potthoff M, Sandor M, Scheu S, Schrader S, Banse M, Plaas E, Runge T, et al (2021) Legacy effects of temporary grassland in annual crop rotation on soil ecosystem services. Sci Total Environ 780:146140, DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146140
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Geibel I, Freund F, Banse M (2021) The impact of dietary changes on agriculture, trade, environment and health: A literature review [online]. German J Agric Econ 70(3):139-164, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 16.08.2021], DOI:10.30430/70.2021.3.139-164
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Sturm V, Banse M (2021) Transition paths towards a bio-based economy in Germany: A model-based analysis. Biomass Bioenergy 148:106002, DOI:10.1016/j.biombioe.2021.106002
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Banse M, Duric I, Götz L, Laquai V (2019) From the Russian food import ban to free trade from Lisbon to Vladivostok - will farmers benefit? J Int Stud 12(4):20-31, DOI:10.14254/2071-8330.2019/12-4/2
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Iost S, Labonte NT, Banse M, Geng N, Jochem D, Schweinle J, Weber SA, Weimar H (2019) German bioeconomy: economic importance and concept of measurement [online]. German J Agric Econ 68(4):275-288, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 03.12.2019]
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Plaas E, Meyer-Wolfarth F, Banse M, Bengtsson J, Bergmann H, Faber J, Potthoff M, Runge T, Schrader S, Taylor A (2019) Towards valuation of biodiversity in agricultural soils: A case for earthworms. Ecol Econ 159:291-300, DOI:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2019.02.003
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Thrän D, Arendt O, Banse M, Braun J, Fritsche U, Gärtner S, Hennenberg KJ, Hünneke K, Millinger M, Poinitka J, Rettenmaier N, Schaldach R, Schüngel J, Wern B, Wolf V (2017) Strategy elements for a sustainable bioenergy policy based on scenarios and systems modeling: Germany as example. Chem Eng Technol 40(2):211-226, DOI:10.1002/ceat.201600259
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Offermann F, Banse M, Deblitz C, Gocht A, González Mellado AA, Kreins P, Marquardt S, Osterburg B, Pelikan J, Rösemann C, Salamon P, Sanders J (2016) Thünen Baseline 2015 - 2025: Agri-economic projections for Germany. Landbauforsch Appl Agric Forestry Res 66(4):240-257, DOI:10.3220/LBF1481641394000
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Wicke B, Hilst F van der, Daioglou V, Banse M, Beringer T, Gerssen-Gondelach S, Heijnen S, Karssenberg D, Laborde D, Lippe M, Meijl H van, Nassar A, Powell JP, Gerdien Prins A, Rose SN, Smeets EM, Stehfest E, Tyner WE, Verstegen JA, Valin H, et al (2015) Model collaboration for the improved assessment of biomass supply, demand, and impacts. GCB Bioenergy 7(3):422-437, DOI:10.1111/gcbb.12176
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Banse M, Junker F, Gerdien Prins A, Stehfest E, Tabeau A, Woltjer G, Meijl H van (2014) Global impact of multinational biofuel mandates on land use, feedstock prices, international trade and land-use greenhouse gas emissions. Landbauforsch Appl Agric Forestry Res 64(2):59-72, DOI:10.3220/LBF_2014_59-72
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Banse M, Brouwer F, Palatnik RR, Sinabell F (2014) The economics of european agriculture under conditions of climate change (editorial) [online]. German J Agric Econ 63(3):131-132, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 03.11.2014]
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Hoefnagels R, Banse M, Dornburg V, Faaij AP (2013) Macro-economic impact of large-scale deployment of biomass resources for energy and materials on a national level - A combined approach for the Netherlands. Energy Pol 59:727-744, doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2013.04.026
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Henseler M, Piot-Lepetit I, Ferrari E, González Mellado AA, Banse M, Grethe H, Parisi C, Helaine S (2013) On the asynchronous approvals of GM crops: Potential market impacts of a trade disruption of EU soy imports. Food Policy 41:166-176, DOI:10.1016/j.foodpol.2013.05.005
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Gerdien Prins A, Eickhout B, Banse M, Meijl H van, Rienks W, Woltjer G (2011) Global impacts of European agricultural and biofuel policies [online]. Ecol Soc 16(1):Art. 49, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 20.12.2011]
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Tabeau A, Banse M, Woltjer G, Meijl H van (2011) Impact of the EU biofuels directive on the EU food supply chain. J Food Prod Marketing 17(2-3):373-385, doi:10.1080/10454446.2011.548747
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Banse M, Forstner B, Gömann H, Nieberg H, Offermann F, Weingarten P, Wendt H (2011) Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der wissenschaftlichen Politikanalyse : Bericht über die 50. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues (GEWISOLA) e.V. vom 29. September bis 1. Oktober 2010. Ber Landwirtsch 89(1):73-93
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Sorda G, Banse M (2011) The response of the German agricultural sector to the envisaged biofuel targets in Germany and abroad: a CGE simulation [online]. German J Agric Econ 60(4):243-258, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 21.01.2012]
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Sorda G, Banse M, Kemfert C (2010) An overview of biofuel policies across the world. Energy Pol 38(11):6977-6988, DOI:10.1016/j.enpol.2010.06.066
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Dornburg V, Vuuren DP van, Ven G van de, Langeveld H, Meeusen M, Banse M, Oorschot M van, Ros J, Born GJ van den, Aiking H, Londo M, Mozaffarian H, Verweij P, Lysen E, Faaij AP (2010) Bioenergy revisited: key factors in global potentials of bioenergy. Energy Environ Sci 3(3):258-267, DOI:10.1039/B922422J
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Banse M, Meijl H van, Tabeau A, Woltjer G, Hellmann F, Verburg PH (2010) Impact of EU biofuel policies on world agricultural production and land use. Biomass Bioenergy 35(6):2385-2390, DOI:10.1016/j.biombioe.2010.09.001
Contributions in non-reviewed journals / magazines of Martin Banse
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Schneider F, Schmidt TG, Banse M (2024) Lebensmittel effizienter nutzen - Raum für innovative Geschäftsmodelle [Using food more efficiently - The rise of innovative business models] [online]. Welternährung(6: Klima & Ressourcen), zu finden in <> [zitiert am 19.06.2024]
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Bickert C, Banse M (2021) "Das Problem sind die Standards" [Interview]. DLG Mitt(1):22-23
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Weber SA, Banse M, Knuck J (2019) Markt bleibt Markt. DLG Mitt(6):42-45
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Freund F, Banse M (2019) No Deal-Brexit : Was wäre, wenn...? DLG Mitt(10):60-63
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Banse M, Sturm V (2019) Preissetzung für agrarrelevante THG-Emissionen. Agra Europe (Bonn) 60(28):D1-16
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Banse M (2016) Preiseffekt auf deutscher Seite gering : Prof.Dr. Martin Banse über die Auswirkungen des Brexit auf den Handel mit Agrarprodukten. Fleischwirtsch 96(7):7-8
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Köchy M, Aberton M, Bannink A, Banse M, Brouwer F, Brüser K, Ewert F, Foyer C, Jorgenson JS, Kipling RP, Meijs J, Rötter RP, Scollan ND, Sinabell F, Tiffin R, Van den Pol-van Dasselaar A (2015) MACSUR - Summary of research results, phase 1: 2012-2015 [online]. FACCE MACSUR Rep 6, D-H3.3, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 26.07.2017]
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Köchy M, Bannink A, Banse M, Brouwer F, Brüser K, Ewert F, Foyer C, Kipling RP, Rötter RP, Scollan ND, Sinabell F (2015) MACSUR Phase 1 Final Administrative Report: Public release [online]. FACCE MACSUR Rep 6, D-H3.5.3:1-70, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 17.07.2017]
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Weber SA, Banse M (2015) Mit gedrosselter Milcherzeugung zu höheren Preisen? - Ein zum Scheitern verurteilter Versuch. Agra Europe (Bonn) 56(43):L11-12
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Banse M, Deblitz C, Pelikan J, Wildegger B (2014) Tür auf für Importe? DLG Mitt 129(12):20-22
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Banse M, Pelikan J (2014) Überrollen uns die Amis? DLZ Agrarmag(9):20-27
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Köchy M, Banse M (2013) Capacity building and workshop coordination in MACSUR [online]. FACCE MACSUR Rep 1(1), zu finden in <> [zitiert am 13.11.2013]
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Köchy M, Banse M (2013) Final products [online]. FACCE MACSUR Rep 1(1), zu finden in <> [zitiert am 12.11.2013]
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Banse M, Klepper R (2012) Wer ernährt die Welt? DLG Mitt 126(1):12-15
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Banse M, Klepper R (2012) Who's going to feed the world? Agrifuture(1):8-11
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Banse M, Ledebur O von (2011) Finger weg von den Agrarmärkten. Top Agrar(7):118-120
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Pelikan J, Banse M (2011) Mehr zollfreie Importe? DLG Mitt 126(4):13-17