Control of endoparasites by Duddingtonia flagrans
Data and Methods
Fecal Egg Count done by McMasterMethod with a sensitivity of 33 eggs per gram of fresh feces.
Body weight: Electronic livestock scale, ± 0.1 kg
Fecal cultures (3-5 animals pooled) for the quantitative determination of larvae and their differentiation
Larvae determination of pasture grass samples by method of Sievers Prekehr
Serumpepsinogen: tyrosine determined photometrically. Tracer: After rinsing, investigation of 10% aliquot by a sieve with mesh size 100 µm
Statistics: Excel (C) Microsoft
In the year 2002, the goats of the control group showed after three months only at two times significantly higher mean fecal egg counts than the fungus fed group (p <0.05). In the sheep there were no significant differences. In control groups diseased individuals had to be treated more often with anthelmintics, as in the experimental groups (not significant). Maximum reduction of numbers of larvae in fecal cultures were 81.3% for sheep and 67.9% for goats (not significant). Species differentiation in fecal cultures showed that all expectable worm species were present and the feeding of D.flagrans - spores had no visible effect on the species distribution.
At the end of the grazing season the mean body weight gain of the fungus fed goats was higher than in the control group (1.7 kg, not significant) and as well in sheep (0.7 kg, not significant). Only the subgroup of firstseason grazing goats reached significant body weight differences (p <0.05). No significant differences were found at the pasture larvae. The evaluation of the results of the 8 traceranimals showed that the first group (turnout to pasture 1st of August) had greater number of pathogenic worms (Haemonchus contortus, Teladorsagia circumcincta) than the tracers with the late turnout (25.September). This was also clinically observed. Differences between experimental and control group tracers could not be determined because of the small number (n = 2).
The serum pepsinogen value, as an expression of abomasal damage done by worms, raised up to the end of August. The difference within the goatgroups was at this time significant.
The weather conditions (extreme high rainfall) may have influenced the in total disappointing results and have thus shown how sensitive this method seems to be against such parameters.
In 2003, the feeding of the spores could not prevent a sharp rise in the excretion of eggs during the grazing period and the contamination of the pasture was high. A deworming treatment in summer (during lactation!) could not be avoided.
Due to similar disappointing results in sheep determined by other research groups, and due to the fact that an EU proposal of the company for the recognition of D.flagrans spores as a permitted feed-additive was refused, Chr.Hansen Ltd. has stopped production of spores. No further experiments are planned.
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- Dissertation von C. Holst (2005, Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover)
Involved external Thünen-Partners
Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover
(Hannover, Deutschland)
9.2001 - 9.2004
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