Further development of cultivation, processing and utilisation of protein crops
Preparation and derivation of recommendations for the further development of the protein crop strategy of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
Protein crops, especially legumes, play a crucial role in overcoming current challenges such as the climate crisis, feeding the world's growing population, species loss and the resulting need to transform agricultural and food systems towards greater sustainability and resilience.
Background and Objective
The BMEL's Protein Plant Strategy (EPS) was published in December 2012. The aim of the strategy is to expand the cultivation and utilization of protein crops in Germany. Since the strategy was published, numerous framework conditions in and for the agriculture and food sector have changed. The BMEL has therefore decided to drive the protein crop strategy forward and to revise it in 2024. As a basis for the further development of the EPS, the Thünen-Institute is preparing a working paper with actions and recommendations along the entire value chain as part of a strategy development process.
The strategy development process is based on the analysis of existing strategies in Europe, the implementation of a stakeholder process and the requirements of the corresponding BMEL strategies. Recommendations are to be developed for
- the further development of the existing protein crop strategy with targets, milestones and indicators along a timeline and the expansion to include non-legume protein crops,
- the targeted expansion and prioritization of the content-related and, where applicable, methodological spectrum of support measures,
- the derivation of influencing factors and necessary framework conditions that promote the supply of domestic protein sources.
The entire strategy development process is thus divided into four different areas (work packages):
- Analysis and evaluation of existing protein (crop) strategies in Europe including the German EPS, activities in the EU, protein crop strategies at federal state level in Germany and at NGO level
- Development of objectives and indicators for the new EPS
- Involvement and participation of stakeholder groups from the various areas of the value chain, other affected ministries and internal ministry institutions
- Derivation of measures and recommendations for action
As part of the participation process, a total of 6 workshops will be held on the following areas of the value chain:
- Breeding of legumes
- Cultivation of legumes
- Legumes in animal feed
- Legumes in human nutrition
- Socioeconomics & environmental services
- Knowledge transfer
In addition, expert interviews on other areas of the value chain will be conducted and evaluated, e.g. on the cultivation and utilization of other protein-containing crops.
The workshops and interviews are conducted with the aim of developing recommendations for action for various players in the value chain, in particular for the following areas:
- Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) / agricultural policy measures
- Research & development and innovation
- Knowledge transfer including education and training and
- Market transparency and consumer education.
Involved Thünen-Partners
1.2024 - 12.2024
More Information
Project funding number: 2023EPS003
Project status:
- 0
Böhm H, Thomsen J (2024) Weiterentwicklung der deutschen Eiweißpflanzenstrategie. In: 2. Nationaler Leguminosen-Kongress : Perspektiven für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung, 7.-10. Oktober 2024, Leipzig ; Programm und Beiträge, Stand 1. Oktober 2024. p 9