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© Johanna Fick
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Institute of

LV Rural Studies


Deadweight, efficiency and impact models ...

were among the topics of this year's spring workshop of the Working Group on Structural Policy of the German Evaluation Society (DeGEval), which took place on 30 June and 1 July at the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Research in Vienna.

Event room, above it the logo of DeGEval and the event date.
© Thünen-Institut/Kim Pollermann

Conference of the Gesellschaft für Evaluation (DeGEval)

Researchers of the Thünen Institute co-organised the event and used the opportunity to present and discuss evaluation results. The presentations of the workshop are available under the following link:

Regina Grajewski, researcher at the Thünen Institute of Rural Studies, was elected by the members of the Working Group for another two years as spokesperson together with Stefan Meyer (kovalis, Bremen) and Andreas Resch (M&E factory, Vienna).



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