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© Johanna Fick
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Institute of

LV Rural Studies


Praxiswissen Hecken - Two new short reports from the CatchHedge project are online

Berit Schütze and Charlotte Tönshoff provide an overview of the legal status and funding opportunities for field hedges

Hedge on a rape field in the municipality of Drögendiek (Schleswig Holstein)
© Thünen-Institut/Sofia Heukrodt

When planting, maintaining and using hedges in the landscape, a large number of legal regulations must be observed. Praxiswissen Hecken summarizes the most important EU, federal and state laws in the short report "Rechtlicher Status von Hecken" (in German language).

If you want to plant and maintain a hedge, you need money for planting material, protective fencing, labour, and machinery. The search for suitable funding pots quickly becomes confusing. Each federal state has its own funding program with different requirements. To shed some light on the funding diversity, the short report "Förderung für Heckenneuanlage und -pflege: Welche Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten gibt es?" (in German language) provides an overview of existing funding measures and their requirements.

The series "Praxiswissen Hecken" reports on new findings from the CatchHedge project on the topic of field hedges approximately every 3 months. The format is primarily addressed at stakeholders from agricultural practice and presents information clearly in short texts and graphics. All short reports (only in German language) are available here.



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