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© Johanna Fick
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Institute of

LV Rural Studies


What are the gains of the national CAP strategic plan?

A lot of familiar elements, but also some innovations in the funding landscape from 2023 onwards.

First page of the article
© Agrarsoziale Gesellschaft e. V.

New funding period for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP): On more than 1,700 pages, the German strategic plan describes the objectives and measures for EU-funded support for agriculture and rural areas in the next five years. Regina Grajewski and Dr. Stefan Becker have summarised the most important points on four pages in a recent publication of the magazine "Ländlicher Raum". The strategy plan itself is a novelty. It is intended to strengthen the joint thinking of the first and second pillars of the CAP. Much of the content remains the same, but there are also some changes: Agricultural support has a higher level of environmental ambition and rural development support is increasingly focused on the LEADER approach.

The entire journal in German language can be downloaded here.

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