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© Johanna Fick
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Institute of

LV Rural Studies


Innovative Approaches to Public Services (InDaLE)

Mural from a rural town in Germany (volunteer fire fighters)
© Annett Steinführer
Many rural regions in Europe rely on volunteer fire fighters.

Innovative Approaches to Public Services - the Case of Firefighting

European countries follow different approaches to organising public services. Drawing on domestic and international model projects, we established the lessons that can be learned for the future design of public services in Germany.

Background and Objective

The facilities and the scope of basic public and private services can be organised in various ways. In the European context, these services’ configuration and governance depend to a significant degree on national welfare state models and past developments, factors which in turn generate current path dependencies.

In the joint project InDaLE we researched innovative approaches to public and private service provision in different European countries and assessed their applicability and transferability to rural areas in Germany.

The research project focused on the following three services:

  • Medical care and nursing, a domain which is particularly important for upholding people’s quality of life in rural areas (responsible: Technical University Dresden),
  • Fire services and hazard prevention, a domain whose fulfilment through, among others, volunteer firefighters can no longer be taken for granted in regions that are experiencing outward-migration and ageing (responsible: Thünen Institute),
  • Post- and after-school education, a domain whose implications for regional development in Germany are underresearched (responsible: Oldenburg University).

We analysed case studies in Austria, Scotland, and Sweden as well as model projects in Germany.


By adopting a comparative approach, we investigated between five and seven case studies for each researched public services domain – that is a total of 11 cases abroad and 7 in Germany. The common thread linking the cases was their relation to concrete problems of guaranteeing the delivery of public services in rural regions within Germany. They developed and realised respective solutions that could potentially also be adopted in Germany.

At the Thünen Institute of Rural Studies we investigated fire services and hazard prevention with a focus on (volunteer) firefighters in Austria, Scotland, and Germany.

Data and Methods

For every public services domain we carried out a literature analysis aimed at understanding the governance structures of the researched contexts. We selected case studies on the basis of a criteria catalogue and an intensive internet-based desk research.

The in-depth investigation of the case studies was based on 87 semi-structured expert interviews (out of which 26 were conducted with a focus on fire services and hazard prevention).

Our Research Questions

InDaLE pursued three main research questions, each of which included corresponding evaluation approaches:

  1. Preparation of good practice projects in other European countries: which success factors can be identified?
  2. Comparison with completed model projects which target public services in Germany: what are the enabling conditions for the projects and what hinders their long-term consolidation?
  3. Deduction of conclusions: what can be learned from the international practice and model projects for the adaptation of the three researched areas of location-bound public services provision?


For the domain of fire services and hazard prevention, we want to highlight four main insights:

  • The long-term functioning of the system on a volunteer basis, as we have known it in the past decades, is anything but self-evident.
  • Securing fire services and hazard prevention in the long term requires new forms of cooperation between different sectors, departments and administrative levels.
  • The acceptance of novel approaches to solutions can be increased if local fire brigades are enabled to participate in the respective processes.
  • A partial shift and redistribution of traditional responsibilities can be observed. This is still taking place largely “under the radar” of political and scientific attention.

Innovative approaches to fire services and hazard prevention:

  • relieve volunteers by regional coordination and professional support,
  • systematise and broaden fire safety education for children, teenagers and adults,
  • enhance the local and societal visibility of voluntary fire brigades.

The InDaLE project as a whole added to the scientific knowledge on the governance and the challenges of basic public and private services in a European comparison. It identified relevant factors enabling the long-term consolidation of innovative approaches, among them:

  • addressing local and regional needs and their flexible consideration in practical implementation,
  • knowledge and capacity building through the further training of project actors, the exchange of experience and knowledge with others, and the reflection on their own learning processes,
  • the implementation of such projects within the framework of new inter-communal, inter-sectoral and/or cross-level cooperation,
  • motivated and professionally competent key actors who mediate between levels, sectors, disciplines and their respective logics,
  • the relief and equally the appreciation of volunteers,
  • the personnel and financial capacity of municipal administrations to take up and support innovative approaches and solutions,
  • the support of such innovative projects by local and/or state politics,
  • stable or long-term securing of funding.

Involved external Thünen-Partners

  • Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (ARL)
    (Hannover, Deutschland)
  • Leibniz Universität Hannover
    (Hannover, Deutschland)
  • Technische Universität Dresden
    (Dresden, Tharandt, Deutschland)
  • Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
    (Oldenburg, Deutschland)

Funding Body

  • Federal Ministry of Food und Agriculture (BMEL)
    (national, öffentlich)


7.2020 - 4.2023

More Information

Funding program: Bundesprogramm Ländliche Entwicklung
Project status: finished

Publications to the project

  1. 0

    Adam Hernández A, Steinführer A, Voß W (2024) Daseinsvorsorge in ländlichen Räumen neu denken? Raumforsch Raumordn Spat Res Plann 82(2):93-98, DOI:10.14512/rur.2548

  2. 1

    Steinführer A, Brad A (2024) Engagement in der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr - ländliche Tradition, aber keine Selbstverständlichkeit. In: Grabski-Kieron U, Kordel S, Krajewski C, Mose I, Steinführer A (eds) Geographie ländlicher Räume. 1. Auflage. Paderborn: Brill | Schöningh, pp 143-144, DOI:10.36198/9783838560687

  3. 2

    Adam Hernández A, Bannert J, Brad A, Danielzyk R, Freyboth J, Gebauer A, Mose I, Ortner A, Rutsch C, Schellworth C, Steinführer A, Tent N, Voß W, Warner B, Weitkamp A (2024) Innovative Ansätze der Daseinsvorsorge in ländlichen Räumen - Lernen von Erfahrungen anderer europäischer Länder für Deutschland (InDaLE) : Projektabschlussbericht. Dresden: Technische Universität, 176 p, DOI:10.25368/2024.37

  4. 3

    Danielzyk R, Mose I, Steinführer A, Voß W, Weitkamp A, Bannert J, Ortner A, Warner B, Adam Hernández A, Brad A, Freyboth J, Gebauer A, Rutsch C, Schellworth C, Tent N (2024) Innovative approaches to services of general interest in rural areas : What Germany can learn from the experiences of other European countries (InDaLE). Hannover: Leibniz University, Geodetic Institute, DOI:10.15488/18025

  5. 4

    Steinführer A, Brad A (2024) Jenseits der Selbstverständlichkeit. Neue Strategien zur Sicherung der nichtpolizeilichen Gefahrenabwehr in ländlichen Räumen. In: Forschung für den Bevölkerungsschutz : Fachkongress vom 12.-14. Januar 2023 ; Kongressband I. Bonn: Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe, pp 247-249

  6. 5

    Brad A, Adam Hernández A, Steinführer A (2024) Neuverteilung von Verantwortung? Brandschutzerziehung als Strategie zur Zukunftssicherung Freiwilliger Feuerwehren. Raumforsch Raumordn Spat Res Plann 82(2):143-159, DOI:10.14512/rur.1701

  7. 6

    Danielzyk R, Mose I, Steinführer A, Voß W, Weitkamp A, Bannert J, Ortner A, Warner B, Adam Hernández A, Brad A, Freyboth J, Gebauer A, Rutsch C, Schellworth C, Tent N (2023) Innovative Ansätze der Daseinsvorsorge in ländlichen Räumen : Lernen von Erfahrungen anderer europäischer Länder für Deutschland. Hannover: Geodätisches Institut der Leibniz Universität Hannover, 68 p, DOI:10.15488/15910

  8. 7

    Steinführer A, Brad A (2023) Innovative Ansätze ländlicher Daseinsvorsorge : Freiwillige Feuerwehren im Wandel. Braunschweig: Thünen-Institut für Lebensverhältnisse in ländlichen Räumen, 2 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2023/45, DOI:10.3220/PB1702017578000

  9. 8

    Steinführer A, Brad A (2023) Innovative approaches to public services in rural areas : Volunteer fire brigades in transition. Braunschweig: Thünen Institute of Rural Studies, 2 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2023/45a, DOI:10.3220/PB1702018123000

  10. 9

    Steinführer A, Brad A (2022) Freiwillige Feuerwehren. In: Neu C (ed) Handbuch Daseinsvorsorge : ein Überblick aus Forschung und Praxis. Berlin: VKU, pp 130-141

  11. 10

    Brad A, Adam Hernández A, Steinführer A (2022) Governance der Daseinsvorsorge. In: Heintel M, Franz Y (eds) Kooperative Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung. Wien: Facultas Verl- und Buchhandels AG, pp 110-127

  12. 11

    Tent N, Brad A, Klöden J, Adam Hernández A, Bannert J, Gebauer A (2021) A review of the challenges and strategies of delivering services of general interest in European rural areas. Europa XXI 41:77-105, DOI:10.7163/Eu21.2021.41.4

  13. 12

    Krajewski C, Steinführer A (2020) Daseinsvorsorge in ländlichen Räumen und ihre Ausgestaltung zwischen Staat, Markt und Ehrenamt. Schrr Bundeszentrale Polit Bildung 10362:242-260

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