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© Kay Panten
Institute of

SF Sea Fisheries

Ongoing projects - Marine spatial management

Achieving Good Environmental Status by Assessing Impacts of Cumulative Pressures

Das GES4SEAS Projekt hat zum Ziel Meerespolitik zu informieren und anzuleiten, um menschliche Belastungen und ihre Auswirkungen auf die biologische Vielfalt und Ökosystemfunktionen der Meere zu minimieren und gleichzeitig die nachhaltige Bereitstellung von Ökosystemleistungen zu gewährleisten.

Achieving Good Environmental Status by Assessing Impacts of Cumulative Pressures

Impact of the use of offshore wind and other marine renewables on European fisheries

What is the general impact of the development of marine renewables on the European fishing sector? In our study we will answer this question, highlight pathways for possible co-existence solutions and research gaps and provide concluding policy recommendations.

Impact of the use of offshore wind and other marine renewables on European fisheries

Implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework directive (MSFD)

As holistic approach, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive poses a challenge to the scientific community: How to describe the state of the marine environment with 11 descriptors? We develop indicators, techniques in risk assessments, and integrated assessment frameworks.

Implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework directive (MSFD)

Scientific studies on the biology and fisheries of the brown shrimp CRANgon crangon as a basis for an efficient self-MANagement system (CRANMAN II)

The CRANMAN 2 project aims to establish and improve the scientific basis for sustainable management of shrimp fisheries in the North Sea.

Scientific studies on the biology and fisheries of the brown shrimp CRANgon crangon as a basis for an efficient self-MANagement system (CRANMAN II)

Shaping Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management (SEAwise)

The wish for an ecosystem based fisheries managment is omnipresent. However, potential approaches still lack implementation in Europe. In the project SEAwise we want to change this.

Shaping Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management (SEAwise)

Transdisciplinary science for effective ecosystem-based maritime spatial planning (MarinePlan)

One of the key challenges of our time is to prevent the loss of biodiversity and the functioning of ecosystems, while enabling their use by those who depend on their services, goods and benefits. In Europe, maritime spatial planning is one of the most important management processes for integrating nature conservation and sustainable use. This requires tools and knowledge to coordinate maritime spatial planning and the designation of marine protected areas, which are currently often lacking, especially with regard to transboundary coordination and connectivity.

Transdisciplinary science for effective ecosystem-based maritime spatial planning (MarinePlan)

Completed projects - Marine spatial management

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Combination of offshore wind parks and marine aquaculture in the North sea - a realistic scenario?

The project OSS aims to create a 'multi-use road map' using the example aquaculture in combination with other infrastructures, such as offshore-wind farms as well as new strategies in the field of passive fisheries.

Combination of offshore wind parks and marine aquaculture in the North sea - a realistic scenario?

How to meet the growing European demand for aquatic food products? (AquaSpace)

Taking advantage of the fastest growing animal food-producing sector, the delivery of sustainable food security and increased employment opportunities through economic growth is supported by optimizing space availability for European Aquaculture.

How to meet the growing European demand for aquatic food products? (AquaSpace)

Interaction in European coastal waters: A roadmap to sustainable integration of aquaculture and fisheries (COEXIST)

Competition for space is increasingly an issue in coastal zones. Multiple uses create complex issues for ocean governance and management. "How to evaluate the interactions between coastal fisheries, aquaculture and other activities in coastal areas?" is the central resarch question addressed by COEXIST.

Interaction in European coastal waters: A roadmap to sustainable integration of aquaculture and fisheries (COEXIST)

Maritime Spatial Planning, Marine Strategy Framework Directive and biodiversity of North Sea fish

Human activities in the North Sea increase. Spatial management measures that link (sustainable) use with the achievement of good environmental status are therefore needed. In this PhD project, we investigate the effects of human activities, especially that of fishing and offshore wind farms, on the spatio-temporal distribution of the demersal fish biodiversity to provide decision support through spatial management scenarios.

Maritime Spatial Planning, Marine Strategy Framework Directive and biodiversity of North Sea fish

Multiple Stressors on North Sea Life (MuSSeL)

Using high-resolution models, we aim to better understand the combined impacts of climate change and human uses on the southern North Sea. The MuSSeL project combines geophysical with novel theoretical models to identify hot spots of change.

Multiple Stressors on North Sea Life (MuSSeL)

NOAH1: North Sea - Observation and Assessment of Habitats

The importance of the seafloor for a healthy ecosystem: Evaluation of pressures, state and services of benthic ecosystems in the German Bight of the North Sea.

NOAH1: North Sea - Observation and Assessment of Habitats

NOAH2: North Sea - Observation and Assessment of Habitats

What is the ecological state of the seafloor in the German EEZ of the North Sea? Information about sedimentology, geochemistry, biology and anthropogenic pressures is compiled and used for developing a concept for ecosystem-based risk assessment.

NOAH2: North Sea - Observation and Assessment of Habitats

Offshore wind farms in the context of ecosystem-based marine spatial management

The project “Offshore wind farms in the context of ecosystem-based marine spatial management” will explore the effects of offshore wind farms on the ecosystem.

Offshore wind farms in the context of ecosystem-based marine spatial management

Tipping points in the socio-ecological system of the North Sea (SeaUseTip) - Main Phase

SeaUseTip is the first interdisciplinary approach to assess the vulnerability of the socio-ecological system of the North Sea to tipping points. On that basis, strategies and tools for an integrated ecosystem-based management in the face of sudden changes in the system are developed.

Tipping points in the socio-ecological system of the North Sea (SeaUseTip) - Main Phase

Tipping points of the socioecological system of the North Sea (SeaUseTip) - Pre-Phase

SeaUseTip aims to disentangle the interaction between ecology, economy and society to provide new management strategies avoiding ecological tipping points in the North Sea.

Tipping points of the socioecological system of the North Sea (SeaUseTip) - Pre-Phase

Tools for Marine spatial Planning (MESMA)

How can the efficiency of a current or future spatial management approach be assessed in relation to stated management objectives? MESMA has produced a set of coherent management tools (concepts, models and methods) for Monitoring, Evaluation and implementation of Spatially Managed marine Areas (SMAs), based on European collaboration.

Tools for Marine spatial Planning (MESMA)

Towards a Joint Monitoring Programme for the North Sea and Celtic Sea (JMP NS/CS)

The main aim of this project is to build a constructive network between all institutions that are responsible for monitoring in the North and Celtic Seas, concerning both fisheries and environmental monitoring.

Towards a Joint Monitoring Programme for the North Sea and Celtic Sea (JMP NS/CS)

What we can learn from distant coral reefs (BEST-CORAL)

In a context of global change (demographic and climate change), BEST-CORAL aim is to provide a set of methods to evaluate ecosystem services from coral reefs for public policy decision-making for the present and the future.

What we can learn from distant coral reefs (BEST-CORAL)

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