Saithe Acoustics in the North Sea

Development and application of hydroacoustic methods to estimate the biomass and distribution of Saithe in the North Sea.
Saithe (Pollachius virens) is a key species within the German fisheries. Uncertainties in the current stock assessment arise from insufficient catchability of saithe and possibly insufficient spatial resolution of fisheries independent surveys
Background and Objective
Both commercial fisheries and scientific surveys to record stock parameters of saithe are carried out with demersal trawls. An unknown proportion of saithe is distributed outside of the sampled layers. Concurrent acoustic recordings bear the potential to quantify this unknown proportion. Continuous recording of hydroacoustic data could significantly increase the spatial and temporal resolution of saithe stock information.
Target Group
- Participation in commercial and scientific seagoing surveys and collection of hydroacoustic and biological data
- Application and development of hydroacoustic methods for the detection and identification of saithe using open source and commercial software packages
- Application and development of statistical methods to estimate the abundance and biomass of saithe
- Participation in and presentation of results at relevant scientific working groups and conferences
- Publication of results in scientific journals and other suitable media
Our Research Questions
- Can the use of hydroacoustic information for distribution and abundance estimates reduce uncertainties within the stock assessment of saithe and better resolve and explain stock trends?
- Can the opportunistic and automated collection of hydroacoustic data from commercial vessels, in combination with catch information, be a viable data source, or is a scientific acoustic trawl survey necessary to reduce uncertainties?
Preliminary Results
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Involved Thünen-Partners
Involved external Thünen-Partners
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
(Seattle, WA, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika) - University of Washington
(Seattle, WA, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika)
11.2024 - 10.2027
More Information
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