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© Kay Panten
Institute of

SF Sea Fisheries

agri benchmark meets Fish

The first ever agri benchmark workshop on Fish will take place at the Thünen Institutes of Fisheries Ecology and Sea Fisheries in Hamburg-Altona.

© agri benchmark

The first ever agri benchmark workshop on Fish will take place at the Thünen Institutes of Fisheries Ecology and Sea Fisheries in Hamburg-Altona. agri benchmark is an international network of agricultural economists, consultants, suppliers and farmers. It was founded in 2002 and one of its main tasks is conducting analyses of the competitiveness of different production systems within the worldwide agricultural sector.

For the first time, the Hamburg workshop will focus on fish. After two years of research, the workshop participants will discuss the results of a pilot study. The 20 researchers and fish farmers from Europe, the Near and Middle East will also compare datasets of trout farms from Germany, Denmark and Turkey.

For further information, please contact Dr. Tobias Lasner.

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