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© Kay Panten
Institute of

SF Sea Fisheries

Aquaculture Expert Workshop

What does the future hold for the German Aquaculture sector?

Within the scope of the international EU projects AquaSpace, CERES and SUCCESS the Thünen Institutes of Sea Fisheries and Fisheries Ecology will host an Aquaculture Expert Workshop on 14 April 2016.

Bringing together experts and stakeholders from the fields of nature conservation, politics, economy, science and administration the future of aquaculture in Germany will be discussed. The main goal is to identify the key issues linked to an expansion of the aquaculture sector.

Similar workshops are conducted in several other EU countries, targeting an analysis of the European potential for a site specific, sustainable expansion of the aquaculture sector.

If you have questions regarding this workshop, feel free to contact Dr. Antje Gimpel.

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