Dr. Friedemann Keyl

Institute of Sea Fisheries
Publications, peer-reviewed
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Peck M, Arvanitidis C, Butenschön M, Melaku Canu D, Chatzinikolaou E, Cucco A, Domenici P, Fernandes JA, Gasche L, Huebert KB, Hufnagl M, Jones MC, Kempf A, Keyl F, Maar M, Mahevas S, Marchal P, Nicolas D, Pinnegar JK, Sell AF, et al (2016) Projecting changes in the distribution and productivity of living marine resources: a critical review of the suite of modelling approaches used in the large European project VECTORS. Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 201:40-55, DOI:10.1016/j.ecss.2016.05.019
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Queiros AM, Huebert KB, Keyl F, Fernandes JA, Stolte W, Maar M, Kay S, Jones MC, Hamon KG, Hendriksen G, Vermard Y, Marchal P, Teal LR, Somerfield PJ, Austen MC, Barange M, Sell AF, Allen JI, Peck M (2016) Solutions for ecosystem-level protection of ocean systems under climate change. Global Change Biol 22(12):3927-3936, DOI:10.1111/gcb.13423
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Ibanez CM, Argüelles J, Yamashiro C, Sepulveda RD, Pardo-Gandarillas C, Keyl F (2015) Population dynamics of the squids Dosidicus gigas (Oegopsida: Ommastrephidae) and Doryteuthis gahi (Myopsida: Loliginidae) in northern Peru. Fish Res 173(2):151-158, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2015.06.014
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Lauerburg RAM, Keyl F, Kotterba P, Floeter J, Temming A (2015) Sex-specific food intake in whiting Merlangius merlangus. J Fish Biol 86(6):1729-1753, DOI:10.1111/jfb.12682
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Keyl F, Kempf A, Sell AF (2015) Sexual size dimorphism in three North Sea gadoids. J Fish Biol 86(1):261-275, DOI:10.1111/jfb.12579
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Ibanez CM, Sepulveda RD, Ulloa P, Keyl F, Pardo-Gandarillas C (2015) The biology and ecology of the jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas (Cephalopoda) in Chilean waters: a review [online]. Lat Am J Aquat Res 43(3):402-414, zu finden in <http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_pdf&pid=S0718-560X2015000300002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en> [zitiert am 07.10.2015]
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Salinas Zavala CA, Bazzino Ferreri GA, Keyl F (2012) Eulerian Approach to the Estimation of Growth Rates and Population Structure of Jumbo Squid (Dosidicus gigas) in the Central Gulf of California. J Shellfish Res 31(3):801-807