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Institute of

SF Sea Fisheries

Publications, non-peer-reviewed

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    Polte P, Alix M, Beggs S, Charitonidou K, Costas G, Diaz P, Fischbach V, Ganias K, Giraldo C, Höffle H, Holah H, Huwer B, Jimenez P, Joly L, Kjesbu O, Kloppmann MHF, Loots C, Makarcuks A, Tiedemann M, Ulleweit J, et al (2023) Working Group on Atlantic Fish Larvae and Eggs Surveys (WGALES; outputs from 2022 meeting). Copenhagen: ICES, 43 p, ICES Sci Rep 5(30), DOI:10.17895/

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    Tiedemann M, Bils F (2016) Egg and larval fish studies from a bottom-up versus top down perspective. In: Bode M (ed) YOUMARES 7 : the convention for young scientists and engineers ; people and the 7 seas - interaction and inspiration ; 11.-13. September 2016, Uni Hamburg. Hamburg: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Meeresforschung, pp 16-26

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    Tiedemann M, Bils F (2016) Session 1: Early life history stages of fish : From egg to juveniles: Advances and novel applications to study the early life history stages of fishes. In: Bode M (ed) YOUMARES 7 : the convention for young scientists and engineers ; people and the 7 seas - interaction and inspiration ; 11.-13. September 2016, Uni Hamburg. Hamburg: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Meeresforschung, p 11

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