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© Kay Panten
Institute of

SF Sea Fisheries

Dr. Julia Friese

Institute of Sea Fisheries

Herwigstraße 31
27572 Bremerhaven
+49 471 94460 247

Research interests

  • Population dynamics
  • Predator-prey interactionsEcosystem functioning considering spatiotemporal scales
  • Effects of small-scale habitat utilization patterns on large scale population fitness
  • Habitat connectivity
  • Fish nurseries


  • Comparison of ecology and population biological parameters of smelts from the Weser, Elbe and the coastal sea of the German Bight.
  • Testing of new genetic methods for monitoring smelt using classical techniques of fishery biology


Involved in

ongoing projects

completed projects

    Educational background and employment

    • Since 2021: Scientist at the Thünen-Institute of Sea Fisheries in the project GENMEMO (“Development of new, GENtic MEthods for the MOnitoring of fish stocks using the European smelt as an example”)
    • 2021: PhD thesis: „An empirical evaluation of the quality of salt marshes for nekton in the Wadden Sea habitat mosaic“
    • 2018 – 2022: Scientist at the Institute of Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries Science, University of Hamburg, in the project CRANMAN (“Scientific studies on the biology and fishery of the North Sea shrimp CRANgon crangon as a basis for an efficient self-management system“)
    • 2014-2017: PhD scholarship at the Institute of Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries Science, University of  Hamburg, in the project INTERFACE(“INTERaction of Fish, plAnts, Carbon & sEdiment: management and ecosystem functions of Wadden Sea salt marshes”)
    • 2010 – 2014: Master of Science in Marine Ecosystem- and Fisheries Science at the University of Hamburg. Master thesis: „Spatial distribution of fishing effort in relation to stock status and distribution: assessing criteria of hyperstability derived from fleet behavior of German saithe (Pollachius virens) fishery“
    • 2007 – 2010: Bachelor of Science in Biology at the University of Hamburg. Bachelor thesis: „Analysis of trophic competition between selected demersal North Sea fish species considering especially spatial scales“ (original German title: „Analyse der trophischen Konkurrenz zwischen ausgewählten demersalen Fischarten der Nordsee unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der räumlichen Skalen“)
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