Publications, non-peer-reviewed
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van Hoof L, Goti L, Tardy Martorell M, Guillen J, Barz F, Döring R, Stransky C, Arias Schreiber M, Ballesteros M, Brigaudeau C, Cepic D, Delaney AE, Fernández-González R, Frangoudes E, Hadjimichael M, Ioannou M, Kraan M, Liontakis A, Nicheva S, Pascual-Fernandez JJ, et al (2024) Scientific Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Social data in fisheries (STECF 23-17). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, iii, 144 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep 136326, DOI:10.2760/982497
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Ballesteros M, Kraan M, Tardy Martorell M, Virtanen J, Guillen J, Barz F, Goti L, Lasner T, Döring R, Stransky C, Arias Schreiber M, Avdic Mravlje E, Carpenter G, Cepic D, Cozzolino M, Davidjuka I, Delaney AE, Frangoudes E, Hadjimichael M, Hegland TJ, et al (2024) Scientific Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Social data in fisheries (STECF-24-05). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 96 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep 138977, DOI:10.2760/461821
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Prellezo R, Sabatella EC, Virtanen J, Tardy Martorell M, Guillen J, Döring R, Goti L, Stransky C, Berkenhagen J, Andersen JL, Avdic Mravlje E, Cano S, Carpenter G, De Clercq A, Fernández-González R, Ferreira R, Guyader O, Ioannou M, Kazlauskas E, Kovsars M, et al (2024) Scientific Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - The 2024 Annual Economic Report on the EU Fishing Fleet (STECF 24-03 & 24-07). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 562 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep 139642, DOI:10.2760/5037826
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Döring R, Konrad C, Hekim Z, Abella JA, Bastardie F, Borges L, Casey J, Damalas D, Daskalov G, Gascuel D, Grati F, Ibaibarriaga L, Jung A, Knittweis L, Ligas A, Martin P, Stransky C, Bernreuther M, Goti L, Wischnewski J, et al (2023) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - assessment and advice for non-quota stocks, to support the development of multi-annual strategies in the context EU-UK (STECF-22-04). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, vi, 251 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep 133282, DOI:10.2760/570638
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Goti L, van Hoof L, Virtanen J, Guillen J, Barz F, Lasner T, Döring R, Stransky C, Ballesteros M, Brigaudeau C, Cepic D, Cozzolino M, Davidjuka I, Delaney A, Frangoudes K, Gomez S, Hadjimichael M, Jackson E, Kraan M, Liontakis A, et al (2023) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Social Data in Fisheries - update of the national profiles (STECF-23-14). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, iv, 73 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep 133702, DOI:10.2760/31328
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Gascuel D, Druon J-N, Barz K, Döring R, Goti L, Kreiß C, Dorrien C von, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Borges L, Jung A, Villasante S, Absil C, Afonso O, Cozzolino M, Dewals J-F, Di Natale A, Gieseler JS, Grati F, Gomez S, et al (2021) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Criteria and indicators that could contribute to incorporating sustainability aspects in the marketing standards under the Common Market Organisation (STECF-20-05). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 123 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/211065
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Thébaud O, Motiva A, Nielsen JR, Curtis H, Haynie A, Muench A, Murillas A, Le Gallic B, Benediktsdóttir B, Macher C, Castilla Espino D, Goldsborough D, Thunberg E, Daures F, Bastardie F, Phelan F, Magnusson G, Blomqvist G, Goti L, Döring R, et al (2021) Working Group on Economics (WGECON; outputs from 2020 meeting). Copenhagen: ICES, 54 p, ICES Sci Rep 3(4), DOI:10.17895/
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Colburn L, Himes-Cornell A, Kraan M, Tienhoven M van, Arias Schreiber M, Bjorkan M, Charles T, Goti L, Gourguet S, Jackson E, Lam ME, Mangano MC, McKinley E, Motova A, Ojea E, Pedreschi D, Pita C, Pita P, Ramirez-Monsalve P, Stephenson R, et al (2021) Working Group on Social Indicators (WGSOCIAL; outputs from 2020 meeting). Copenhagen: ICES, 29 p, ICES Sci Rep 3(8), DOI:10.17895/
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Isermeyer F, Nieberg H, Banse M, Bolte A, Christoph-Schulz IB, Dauber J, Witte T de, Dehler M, Döring R, Elsasser P, Fock HO, Focken U, Freund F, Goti L, Heidecke C, Kempf A, Koch G, Kraus G, Krause A, Kroiher F, Lasner T, Lüdtke J, Olbrich A, Osterburg B, Pelikan J, Probst WN, Rahmann G, Reiser S, Rock J, Röder N, Rüter S, Sanders J, Stelzenmüller V, Zimmermann C (2020) Auswirkungen aktueller Politikstrategien (Green Deal, Farm-to-Fork, Biodiversitätsstrategie 2030; Aktionsprogramm Insektenschutz) auf Land- und Forstwirtschaft sowie Fischerei. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 102 p, Thünen Working Paper 156, DOI:10.3220/WP1600775202000
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Clay PM, Ferretti J, Bailey J, Dunkel D, Elegbede I, Fraga A, Fuller J, Goldsborough D, Goti L, Groenevold R, Hamon KG, Kellner J, Martin KS, Pedreschi D, Röckmann C, Santurtun M, Stephenson R, Strehlow HV (2020) ICES Working group on maritime systems (WGMARS). Copenhagen: ICES, 22 p, ICES Sci Rep 2(63), DOI:10.17895/
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Nord J, Stransky C, Doerner H, Berkenhagen J, Freese M, Goti L, Ulleweit J, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Adamidou A, Armesto A, Bell M, Davidjuka I, Degel H, Hekim Z, Ioannou M, Isajlovic I, Jakovleva I, Kazlauskas E, Koutrakis E, et al (2020) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Evaluation of the 2019 Annual Reports for data collection and Data Transmission issues (STECF-20-08). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 95 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/661005
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Döring R, Fitzpatrick M, Guillen J, Goti L, Lasner T, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Ballesteros M, Brigaudeau C, Carpenter G, Delany AE, Frangoudes K, Jackson E, Jung A, Kinds A, Kraan M, Malvarosa L, Nicheva S, Pascual-Fernandez JJ, Ribes Moreno I, et al (2020) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Social dimension of the CFP (STECF-20-14). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 101 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/255978
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Haynie A, Schmidt J, Skern-Mauritzen M, Sundblad E-L, Belgrano A, Clay PM, Colburn L, Piper Gde, Eilersen M, Glyki E, Goldsborough D, Goti L, Guillen J, Jarre A, Kasperski S, Kellner J, Kenny A, Kraan M, Krogh Hallin J, Langlet D, et al (2020) Workshop on challenges, opportunities, needs and successes for including human dimensions in integrated ecosystem assessments (WKCONSERVE). Copenhagen: ICES, 30 p, ICES Sci Rep 2(10), DOI:10.17895/
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Malvarosa L, Carvalho N, Guillen J, Goti L, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Avdelas L, Avdic Mravlje E, Brigaudeau C, Cozzolino M, Danatskos C, Davidjuka I, Dennis J, Fernandez Polanco JM, Hoekstra G, Jackson E, Kazlauskas E, Kieliszewska M, Krupska J, et al (2019) The EU fish processing sector. Economic Report (STECF-19-15). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 236 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/30373
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Clay PM, Ferretti J, Röckmann C, Saturntún M, Bailey J, Dankel DJ, Dickey-Collas M, Fraga A, Gaichas S, Gardner S, Goldsborough D, Goti L, Groeneveld RA, Hamon KG, Kenny A, Kraan M, Lucey S, Mangi S, Münch A, Strehlow HV, et al (2019) Working group on maritime systems (WGMARS). Copenhagen: ICES, 15 p, ICES Sci Rep 1(88), DOI:10.17895/
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Bailey N, Jardim E, Avdic Mravlje E, Casey J, Davidjuka I, Fitzpatrick M, Gasguel D, Goti L, Mantzouni E, Rihan D, Rindorf A, Rogers P, Virtanen J, Vasilakopoulos P, Ulrich C, Abella JA, Andersen J, Arrizabalaga H, Döring R, Stransky C, et al (2018) CFP Monitoring - expansion of indicators (STECF-18-15). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 84 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/211585X
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Knittweis L, Carvalho N, Casey J, Scarcella G, Döring R, Mravjle A, Brigaudeau C, Colloca F, Curtin R, Davidjuka I, Daures F, Grati F, Guitton J, Goti L, Iriondo JM, Jung A, Maravelias CD, Mihanovic A, Radu G, Stransky C, et al (2016) Assessment of balance indicators for key fleet segments and review of national reports on Member States efforts to achieve balance between fleet capacity and fishing opportunities (STECF-16-18). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 191 p, DOI:10.2788/245471
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Stransky C, Castro Ribeiro C, Ulrich C, Döring R, Goti L, et al (2016) EU map and template for National Work Plan (STECF-16-07). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 141 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2788/154677
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Stransky C, Natale F, Graham N, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Berkenhagen J, Goti L, Ulleweit J, et al (2016) Evaluation of proposals to revise DCF National Programmes for 2016 (STECF-16-01). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 71 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2788/41585
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Oesterwind D, Dewitz B von, Döring R, Eero M, Goti L, Kotta J, Nurske K, Ojaveer H, Rau A, Skov H, Stepputtis D, Zaiko A (2016) Review on patterns and dynamics of drivers of biodiversity (species, communities, habitats) across Baltic Sea ecosystems in space and time including socio-economy : BIO-C3 Deliverable, D3.1. 102 p, DOI:10.3289/BIO-C3_D3.1
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Knittweis L, Carvalho N, Casey J, Goti L, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, et al (2015) Assessment of balance indicators for key fleet segments and review of national reports on Member States efforts to achieve balance between fleet capacity and fishing opportunities (STECF-15-02). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 149 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2788/92692
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Knittweis L, Carvalho N, Berkenhagen J, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Goti L, Kempf A, et al (2015) Assessment of balance indicators for key fleet segments and review of national reports on Member States efforts to achieve balance between fleet capacity and fishing opportunities (STECF-15-15). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 160 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2788/99070
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Malvarosa L, Motova A, Döring R, Murillas A, Goti L, Macher C, Leutha S, Nielsen R, Haraldson G, Accadia PR (2015) Improvements in impact assessment for fisheries management : the socioec experience. In: Department of Economics and Statistics Sciences, University of Salerno (ed) New management issues within the reformed Common Fishery Policy: implementation and socio-economic impacts : XXII Conference of the EAFE (European Association of Fisheries Economist) ; Salerno (Italy), 28.-30. April 2015. p 10
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Stransky C, Castro Ribeiro C, Berkenhagen J, Ebeling MW, Goti L, Döring R, et al (2014) DCF Revision - part 4 (STECF-14-07). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 77 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, doi:10.2788/58878
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Graham N, Dörner H, Goti L, Kempf A, Krumme U, Döring R, Stransky C, et al (2014) Landing obligations in EU Fisheries - part 3 (STECF-14-06). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 56 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, doi:10.2788/53393
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Stransky C, Castro Ribeiro C, Armesto A, Berkenhagen J, Carpentieri P, Dalskov J, Dias M, Dintheer C, Goti L, Koutrakis E, McCormick H, Nermer T, Sabatella E, Schön PJ, Torreele E, Van Beek F, Virtanen J, Graham N, Abella JA, Döring R, et al (2014) Preparations for future data collection under the revised DCF (STECF-14-24). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 44 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, doi:10.2788/918647
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Curtis H, Carvalho N, Berkenhagen J, Goti L, Döring R, Stransky C, et al (2013) Assessment of balance indicators for key fleet segments and review of national reports on Member States efforts to achieve balance between fleet capacity and fishing opportunities (STECF-13-28). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 142 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
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Nielsen JR, Ulrich C, Hegland TJ, Voss Bde, Thoegersen T, Bastardie F, Goti L, Eigaard OR, Kindt-Larsen L (2013) Critical report of current fisheries management measures implemented for the North Sea mixed demersal fisheries. Charlottenlund: National Institute of Aquatic Resources, 82 p, DTU Aqua Rep 263
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Döring R, Goti L (2012) SOCIOEC – Socio-economic effects of management measures of the future CFP – overview on a new European FP 7 project. In: IIFET 2012 Tanzania Proceedings. pp 1-12
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Guillen J, Avdic E, Bengtsberg R, Berkenhagen J, Beukers R, Calvo C, Cozzolino M, Daviddjuka I, Ebeling MW, Goti L, Lees J, Malvarosa L, Miguez A, Monios G, Motova A, Moura C, Nielsen R, Pokki H, Souffez A, Stransky C, et al (2011) Methodologies for 2011 economic reports (STECF-11-03) : This report was adopted by the STECF during its 36th plenary meeting held from 11th to 15th April, 2011 in Ispra, Italy. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 62 p, EUR Sci Techn Res Ser
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Connolly P, Virtanen J, Albert A, Apostolou A, Bengtsberg R, Camilleri M, Carpentieri P, Dias M, Dintheer C, Emma R, Goti L, Gravino F, Harley B, Hatcher A, Kirkegaard E, Kunzlik P, Leskelä A, Morgado MC, Pereda C, Stransky C, et al (2011) Reflections on the Present and Future Requirements of the DCF (STECF-11-04). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 161 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
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Stransky C, Adamidou A, Apostolou A, Armesto A, Bengtsberg R, Berkenhagen J, Cardinale M, Carpentieri P, Davidjuka I, Degel H, Dias M, Di Natale A, Dintheer C, Ebeling MW, Goti L, Gravino F, Gustavsson T, Longoni E, Myllylä T, Ulleweit J, et al (2010) Evaluation of 2009 annual reports related to the Data Collection Framework : Report of the Subgroup on Research Needs (SGRN 10-02) ; 5-10 July 2010, Hamburg. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 277 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
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Connolly P, Armesto A, Berkenhagen J, Cardinale M, Carpentieri P, de Boois IJ, Degel H, Di Natale A, Dimech M, Dintheer C, Ebeling MW, Goti L, Koutrakis E, Kunzlik P, Leskelä A, McCormick H, Murta AG, Pinello D, Pönni J, Stransky C, et al (2010) Evaluation of revised national programs for 2010 under the data collection framework and a roadmap for the review of surveys : report of the Subgroup on Research Needs (SGECA/SGRN 09-04) ; joint Subgroup on Economic Affairs (SGECA) and on Research Needs (SGRN) of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF). Luxembourg: European Commission, 138 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
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Andersen JL, Anderson J, Andres M, Berkenhagen J, Calvo C, Frost H, Goti L, Guillen J, Jonnson A, Malvarosa L, Stroie C, Thoegersen T (2010) Report of the Working Group (SGECA 10-01) on the discussion of methodologies, indicators and format of the 2010 Annual Economic Report (AER) : 8-11 February 2010, Copenhagen. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 43 p, EUR Sci Techn Res Ser
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Sabatella E, Bartelings H, Bengtsberg R, Berkenhagen J, Daures F, Davidjuka I, Davidjuka I, De Meo M, Ebeling MW, Goti L, Guillen J, Hatcher A, Malvarosa L, Motova A, Moura C, Pokki H, Vassallo D, Virtanen J (2010) Report of the Working Group on review of economic data collected in relation to the DCF, harmonisation of sampling strategies (SGEGA 10-03) : 20-24 September 2010, Salerno . Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 60 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
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Döring R, Guillen J, Avdic E, Beukers R, Cozzolino M, Davidjuka I, Desgranges C, Ebeling MW, Garrett A, Goti L, Le Moing I, Lees J, Linde J, Malvarosa L, Moura C, Nielsen R, Pokki H, Pienkowska B, Razmislaviciute-Palioniene A, Stroie C, et al (2010) Report of Working Group on the evaluation of data collected on the fish processing sector (SGECA 10-04) : Joint Working Group on Economic Affairs (SGECA), of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) ; 11-15 October 2010, Ispra. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 312 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
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Anderson J, Avdic E, Bartelings H, Bengstberg R, Berkenhagen J, Brodie C, Calvo C, Davidjuka I, Goti L, Guillen J, Kuzebski E, Lees J, Longoni E, Malvarosa L, Miguez A, Motova A, Moura C, Prellezo R, Souffez A, Stroie C, et al (2010) The 2010 annual economic report on the European Fishing Fleet. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 688 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep