Publications, peer-reviewed
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Schäfer F, Oesterwind D, Sell AF, Kammann UKR (2024) Fatty acid analyses reveal differences in feeding ecology of North Sea squids that overlap in time and space. Food Webs 40:e00355, DOI:10.1016/j.fooweb.2024.e00355
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Hodapp D, Buschbaum C, Dutz J, Engel A, Eskildsen K, Hepach H, Hinkel J, Jacob U, Jansen F, Jürgens K, Karez R, Kleyer M, Krause J, Quaas M, Neumann B, Rick JJ, Riekhof M-C, Rohner S, Scheiffarth G, Sell AF, et al (2024) Küste und Küstengewässer. In: Wirth C, Bruelheide H, Farwig N, Marx JM, Settele J (eds) Faktencheck Artenvielfalt : Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven für den Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt in Deutschland. München: oekom Verl, pp 647-785, DOI:10.14512/9783987263361
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Ludwig KE, Singer A, Kröncke I, Sell AF (2024) Predator-prey trait associations and feeding preferences of demersal fishes in the southern North Sea. Mar Ecol Progr Ser 739:173-190, DOI:10.3354/meps14597
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Munk P, Huwer B, van Deurs M, Kloppmann MHF, Sell AF (2024) Spatial separation of larval sprat (Sprattus sprattus) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) related to hydrographical characteristics in the North Sea. Fisheries Oceanogr 33(1):e12656, DOI:10.1111/fog.12656
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Martin B, Auel H, Bode-Dalby M, Dudeck T, Duncan SE, Ekau W, Fock HO, Hagen W, Heinatz K, Kaufmann Manfred J, Koppelmann R, Lamont T, Louw D, Moloto T, Sell AF, Thomalla S, Lingen CD van der (2024) Studies of the ecology of the Benguela Current Upwelling System: The TRAFFIC approach. Ecol Stud Anal Synth 248:277-312, DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-10948-5_11
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Sell AF, Maltitz GP von, Auel H, Biastoch A, Bode-Dalby M, Brandt P, Duncan SE, Ekau W, Fock HO, Hagen W, Huggett JA, Koppelmann R, Körner M, Lahajnar N, Martin B, Midgley GF, Rixen T, Lingen CD van der, Verheye HM, Wilhelm MR (2024) Unique Southern African terrestrial and oceanic biomes and their relation to steep environmental gradients. Ecol Stud Anal Synth 248:23-88, DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-10948-5_2
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Duncan SE, Fock HO, Sell AF, Hagen W (2023) Trophic ecology of mesopelagic fishes in the northern and southern Benguela Upwelling Systems revealed through stable isotope patterns. Mar Ecol Progr Ser 725:75-93, DOI:10.3354/meps14455
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Oesterwind D, Barrett CJ, Sell AF, Núñez-Riboni I, Kloppmann MHF, Piatkowski U, Wieland K, Laptikhovsky V (2022) Climate change-related changes in cephalopod biodiversity on the North East Atlantic Shelf. Biodiv Conserv 31(5-6):1491-1518, DOI:10.1007/s10531-022-02403-y
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Duncan SE, Sell AF, Hagen W, Fock HO (2022) Environmental drivers of upper mesopelagic fish assemblages in the Benguela Upwelling System. Mar Ecol Progr Ser 688:133-152, DOI:10.3354/meps14017
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Frelat R, Kortsch S, Kröncke I, Neumann H, Nordström MC, Olivier P, Sell AF (2022) Food web structure and community composition: a comparison across space and time in the North Sea. Ecography 2022(2):e05945, DOI:10.1111/ecog.05945
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Núñez-Riboni I, Akimova A, Sell AF (2021) Effect of data spatial scale on the performance of fish habitat models. Fish Fisheries 22(5):955-973, DOI:10.1111/faf.12563
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Oesterwind D, Bobowski BTC, Brunsch A, Laptikhovsky V, Hal R van, Sell AF, Pierce GJ (2020) First evidence of a new spawning stock of Illex coindetii in the North Sea (NE-Atlantic). Fish Res 221:105384, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2019.105384
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Möller KO, John MS, Temming A, Diekmann R, Peters J, Floeter J, Sell AF, Herrmann JP, Gloe D, Schmidt JO, Hinrichsen HH, Möllmann C (2020) Predation risk triggers copepod small-scale behavior in the Baltic Sea. J Plankton Res 42(6):702-713, DOI:10.1093/plankt/fbaa044
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Olivier P, Frelat R, Bonsdorff E, Kortsch S, Kröncke I, Möllmann C, Neumann H, Sell AF, Nordström MC (2019) Exploring the temporal variability of a food web using long-term biomonitoring data. Ecography 42:2107-2121, DOI:10.1111/ecog.04461
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Hoey G van, Wischnewski J, Craeymeersch J, Dannheim J, Enserink L, Guerin L, Marco-Rius F, O'Connor J, Reiss H, Sell AF, Vanden Berghe M, Zettler ML, Degraer S, Birchenough SNR (2019) Methodological elements for optimising the spatial monitoring design to support regional benthic ecosystem assessments. Environ Monit Assessm 191:423, DOI:10.1007/s10661-019-7550-9
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Lauerburg RAM, Temming A, Pinnegar JK, Kotterba P, Sell AF, Kempf A, Floeter J (2018) Forage fish control population dynamics of North Sea whiting Merlangius merlangus. Mar Ecol Progr Ser 594:213-230, DOI:10.3354/meps12533
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Moriarty M, Sell AF, Trenkel VM, Lynam CP, Burns F, Clarke ED, Greenstreet SPR, McGonigle C (2018) Resolution of biodiversity and assemblage structure in demersal fisheries surveys: the role of tow duration. ICES J Mar Sci 75(5):1672-1681, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsy050
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Bowler DE, Hof C, Haase P, Kröncke I, Schweiger O, Adrian R, Baert L, Bauer HG, Blick T, Brooker RW, Dekoninck W, Domisch S, Eckmann R, Hendrickx F, Hickler T, Klotz S, Kraberg AC, Kühn I, Matesanz S, Sell AF, et al (2017) Cross-realm assessment of climate change impacts on species' abundance trends. Nature Ecol Evol 1:Art.0067, DOI:10.1038/s41559-016-0067
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Bowler DE, Haase P, Hof C, Kröncke I, Baert L, Dekoninck W, Domisch S, Hendrickx F, Hickler T, Neumann H, O'Hara RB, Sell AF, Sonnewald M, Stoll S, Türkay M, Klink R van, Schweiger O, Vermeulen R, Böhning-Gaese K (2017) Cross-taxa generalities in the relationship between population abundance and ambient temperatures. Proc R Soc Ser B Biol Sci 284(1863):20170870, DOI:10.1098/rspb.2017.0870
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Dickey-Collas M, McQuatters-Gollop A, Bresnan E, Kraberg AC, Manderson JC, Nash RDM, Otto SA, Sell AF, Tweddle JF, Trenkel VM (2017) Food for thought : Pelagic habitat: exploring the concept of good environmental status. ICES J Mar Sci 74(9):2333-2341, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsx158
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Tam JC, Link JS, Large SL, Bogstad B, Bundy A, Cook AM, Dingsoer GE, Dolgov AV, Howell D, Kempf A, Pinnegar JK, Rindorf A, Schückel S, Sell AF, Smith BE (2016) A trans-Atlantic examination of haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus food habits. J Fish Biol 88(6):2203-2218, DOI:10.1111/jfb.12983
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Peck M, Arvanitidis C, Butenschön M, Melaku Canu D, Chatzinikolaou E, Cucco A, Domenici P, Fernandes JA, Gasche L, Huebert KB, Hufnagl M, Jones MC, Kempf A, Keyl F, Maar M, Mahevas S, Marchal P, Nicolas D, Pinnegar JK, Sell AF, et al (2016) Projecting changes in the distribution and productivity of living marine resources: a critical review of the suite of modelling approaches used in the large European project VECTORS. Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 201:40-55, DOI:10.1016/j.ecss.2016.05.019
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Queiros AM, Huebert KB, Keyl F, Fernandes JA, Stolte W, Maar M, Kay S, Jones MC, Hamon KG, Hendriksen G, Vermard Y, Marchal P, Teal LR, Somerfield PJ, Austen MC, Barange M, Sell AF, Allen JI, Peck M (2016) Solutions for ecosystem-level protection of ocean systems under climate change. Global Change Biol 22(12):3927-3936, DOI:10.1111/gcb.13423
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Möller KO, Schmidt JO, StJohn M, Temming A, Diekmann R, Peters J, Floeter J, Sell AF, Herrmann JP, Möllmann C (2015) Effects of climate-induced habitat changes on a key zooplankton species. J Plankton Res 37(3):530-541, DOI:10.1093/plankt/fbv033
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Keyl F, Kempf A, Sell AF (2015) Sexual size dimorphism in three North Sea gadoids. J Fish Biol 86(1):261-275, DOI:10.1111/jfb.12579
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Knebelsberger T, Landi M, Neumann H, Kloppmann MHF, Sell AF, Campbell PD, Laakmann S, Raupach MJ, Carvalho G, Costa FO (2014) A reliable DNA barcode reference library of the North European shelf fish fauna. Mol Ecol Resources 14(5):1060-1071, DOI:10.1111/1755-0998.12238
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Neumann H, Reiss H, Ehrich S, Sell AF, Panten K, Kloppmann MHF, Wilhelms I, Kröncke I (2013) Benthos and demersal fish habitats in the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the North Sea. Helgol Mar Res 67(3):445-459, DOI:10.1007/s10152-012-0334-z
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Sell AF, Kröncke I (2013) Correlations between benthic habitats and demersal fish assemblages - A case study on the Dogger Bank (North Sea). J Sea Res 80:12-24, DOI:10.1016/j.seares.2013.01.007
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Schückel S, Sell AF, Kihayra TC, Koeppen A, Kröncke I, Reiss H (2013) Meiofauna as food source for small-sized demersal fish in the southern North Sea. Helgol Mar Res 67(2):203-218, DOI:10.1007/s10152-012-0316-1
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Kröncke I, Boersma M, Czeck R, Dippner JW, Ehrich S, Exo MK, Hüppop O, Malzahn AM, Marencic H, Markert A, Millat G, Neumann H, Reiss H, Sell AF, Sobottka M, Wehrmann A, Wiltshire KH, Wirtz K (2012) Auswirkungen auf marine Lebensräume. In: Mosbrugger V, Brasseur GP, Schaller M, Stribnry B (eds) Klimawandel und Biodiversität : Folgen für Deutschland. Darmstadt: Wiss Buchges, pp 106-127
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Schückel S, Sell AF, Kröncke I, Reiss H (2012) Diet overlap among flatfish species in the southern North Sea. J Fish Biol 80(7):2571-2594, DOI:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2012.03309.x
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Möller KO, StJohn M, Temming A, Floeter J, Sell AF, Herrmann JP, Möllmann C (2012) Marine snow, zooplankton and thin layers: indications of a trophic link from small-scale sampling with the Video Plankton Recorder. Mar Ecol Progr Ser 468:57-69, doi:10.3354/meps09984
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Schückel S, Sell AF, Kröncke I, Reiss H (2011) Diet composition and resource partitioning in two small flatfish species in the German Bight. J Sea Res 66(3):195-204, DOI:10.1016/j.seares.2011.06.003
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Kulka DW, Simpson SD, Hal R van, Duplisea D, Sell AF, Teal LR, Planque B, Otterson G, Peck M (2011) Effects of climate variability and change on fish. ICES Coop Res Rep 310:147-256
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Rakers S, Gebert M, Uppalapati S, Meyer W, Maderson P, Sell AF, Kruse C, Paus R (2010) 'Fish matters': the relevance of fish skin biology to investigative dermatology. Exp Dermatol 19(3):313-324, DOI:10.1111/j.1600-0625.2009.01059.x
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Pedersen SA, Fock HO, Sell AF (2009) Mapping fisheries in the German exclusive economic zone with special reference to offshore Natura 2000 sites. Mar Policy 33(4):571-590, DOI:10.1016/j.marpol.2008.12.007
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Pedersen SA, Fock HO, Krause J, Pusch C, Sell AF, Böttcher U, Rogers SI, Sköld M, Skov H, Podolska M, Piet GJ, Rice JC (2008) Natura 2000 sites and fisheries in German offshore waters. ICES J Mar Sci 65(9):155-169, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsn193
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Ehrich S, Adlerstein S, Brockmann U, Floeter J, Garthe S, Hinz H, Kröncke I, Neumann H, Reiss H, Sell AF, Stein M, Stelzenmüller V, Stransky C, Temming A, Wegner G, Zauke GP (2007) 20 years of the German Small-Scale Bottom Trawl Survey (GSBTS) : a review. Senckenbergiana Marit 37(1):13-82
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Sell AF (2006) A trophic cascade with Chaoborus: population dynamics of ex-ephippial generations of Daphnia. Arch Hydrobiol 167(1-4):115-134, DOI:10.1127/0003-9136/2006/0167-0115
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Culverhouse PF, Williams R, Benfield M, Flood PR, Sell AF, Mazzocchi MG, Buttino I, Sieracki M (2006) Automatic image analysis of plankton: future perspectives. Mar Ecol Progr Ser 212(307-309):307-309
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Tönnesson K, Maar M, Vargas C, Moeller EF, Satapoomin S, Zervoudaki S, Christou E, Giannakourou A, Sell AF, Petersen JK, Nielsen TG, Tiselius P (2005) Grazing impact of Oikopleura dioica and copepods on an autumn plankton community. Mar Biol Res 1:365-373
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Maar M, Nielsen TG, Gooding S, Tönnesson K, Tiselius P, Zervoudaki S, Christou E, Sell AF, Richardson K (2004) Trophodynamic function of copepods, appendicularians and protozooplankton in the late summer zooplankton community in the Skagerrak. Mar Biol 144(5):917-933, DOI:10.1007/s00227-003-1263-9
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Tiselius P, Petersen JK, Nielsen TG, Maar M, Møller EF, Satapoomin S, Tönnesson K, Zervoudaki S, Christou E, Giannakourou A, Sell AF, Vargas C (2003) Functional response of Oikopleura dioica to house clogging due to exposure to algae of different sizes. Mar Biol 142(2):253-261, DOI:10.1007/s00227-002-0961-z
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Vargas C, Tönnesson K, Sell AF, Maar M, Møller EF, Zervoudaki S, Giannakourou A, Christou E, Satapoomin S, Petersen JK, Nielsen TG, Tiselius P (2002) Importance of copepods versus appendicularians in vertical carbon fluxes in a Swedish fjord. Mar Ecol Progr Ser 241:125-138
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Sell AF, Keuren D van, Madin LP (2001) Predation by omnivorous copepods on early developmental stages of Calanus finmarchicus and Pseudocalanus spp.. Limnol Oceanogr 46(4):953-959
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Benndorf J, Wissel B, Sell AF, Hornig U, Ritter P, Böing W (2000) Food web manipulation by extreme enhancement of piscivory : an invertebrate predator compensates for the effects of planktivorous fish on a plankton community. Limnologica 30(3):235-245, DOI:10.1016/S0075-9511(00)80053-5
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Sell AF (2000) Life in the extreme environment at a hydrothermal vent: Haemoglobin in a deep-sea copepod. Proc R Soc Ser B Biol Sci 267(1459):2323-2326
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Sell AF (2000) Morphological defenses induced in situ by the invertebrate predator Chaoborus: Comparison of responses between Daphnia pulex and D. rosea. Oecologia 125(1):150-160
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Sell AF (1998) Adaptation to oxygen deficiency : contrasting patterns of haemoglobin synthesis in two coexisting Daphnia species. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol 120(1):119-125, DOI:10.1016/S1095-6433(98)10019-3
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Sell AF, Hornig U, Benndorf J (1997) Long-term effects of planktivore removal : results from a manipulated and a reference lake. Verhandl Int Vereinig Theoret Angew Limnol 26:782-785
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Sell AF (1996) Reaktionen der Zooplanktongemeinschaft auf eine extreme Biomanipulation : die Rolle des invertebraten Räubers Chaoborus. Dresden: Technische Univ, 121,2 p, Dresden, Techn Univ, Diss, 1996
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Mumm H, Sell AF (1995) Estimating the impact of Chaoborus predation on zooplankton : a new design for in situ enclosure studies . Arch Hydrobiol 134:195-206
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Sell AF (1994) Phytoplankton-excreted organic carbon. In: Overbeck J, Cróst RJ (eds) Microbiol ecology of Lake Plussee. New York; Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, pp 81-91
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Sell AF, Overbeck J (1992) Exudates: Phytoplankton-bacterioplankton interactions in Plußsee. J Plankton Res 14(9):1199-1215