M.Sc. Kim Ellen Ludwig

Institute of Sea Fisheries
Herwigstraße 3127572 Bremerhaven
Research interests
- Temporal shifts and spatial variation in traits of marine fish communities
- Effects of environmental and anthropogenic changes on the functional biodiversity of marine communities
- Expansion of a trait database for demersal fish in the North Sea
- Trait-based times series analysis of shifts in North Sea fish communities over distinct spatial scales
- Development of a statistical method allowing for integration of data from different surveys and sampling protocols into a combined analysis
- Investigation of interactions between benthos and fish communities as a consequence of changes in the ecosystem
Educational background and employment
- since 2021: Research Associate and Doctoral Candidate at the Thünen Institute for Sea Fisheries
- 2018 – 2020: International M.Sc. in Marine Biological Resources at the University of the Algarve (PT), Polytechnic University of Marche (IT) and Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (IE); Master thesis at the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology; M.Sc. degree awarded by Ghent University (BE)
- Feb/Jun 2018: Participation in a research expedition (in NZ) and subsequent lab work at the University of Adelaide (AU)
- Apr – Jun 2017: Bachelor thesis at the University of Cádiz (ES)
- 2014 – 2017: B.Sc. in Biology at the Radboud University Nijmegen (NL)
- Ludwig KE, Daly M, Levesque S and Berrow SD (2021). Survival Rates and Capture Heterogeneity of Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Shannon Estuary, Ireland. Front. Mar. Sci. 8:611219. doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.611219
- Nagelkerken, I., Alemany, T., Anquetin, J. M., Ferreira, C. M., Ludwig, K. E., Sasaki, M., & Connell, S. D. (2021). Ocean acidification boosts reproduction in fish via indirect effects. PLoS Biology, 19(1), e3001033. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3001033
Non peer-reviewed
- Ludwig, K.E. (2020). Survival, Mark Change and Capture Heterogeneity of Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Shannon Estuary, Ireland. Master Thesis. Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Ireland & Ghent University, Belgium.
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