The Acacia group is distributed worldwide and comprises 1437 individual species. New genetic studies of the relationships within this group have brought some changes in their botanical typification. The majority of species remain united under the genus Acacia (about 1000) and the rest are now found in four newly established genera (Acaciella, Mariosousa, Senegalia, Vachellia). A development that has caused some confusion and inaccuracies in the naming of scientific specimens and commercial woods.
Scientists at the Thünen Institute for Wood Research have tackled this problem to find out to what extent established methods of wood species identification can be applied to differentiate between the genera.
Contact: Tim Lewandrowski, Dr. Volker Haag, PD Dr. habil. Gerald Koch
Link to article: Anatomical and topochemical features of the genera Acacia, Acaciella, Senegalia and Vachellia, Lewandrowski, T., Koch, G., & Haag, V. IAWA Journal (2022)
Link to project: Anatomische Holzartenbestimmung