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Institute of

HF Wood Research

Charta for Wood 2.0 - Wood research in lectures and workshops

The Thünen Institute of Wood Research was strongly represented at the Charter for Wood 2.0 in Dialogue event on 12.11.2024 in Berlin.

Discussion in the Wood-Café.
© BMEL/FNR/photothek

Discussion in the Wood-Café.

The event was characterised by a keynote speech by the head of the institute on the topic: "Wood as a circular economy - opportunities, limits and strategies for practice" and the organisation of several workshops on the topic of the circular economy with wood by the scientists with the con-ference participants. This showed that the valuable resource wood is a scarce commodity which should be used for material utilisation for as long as possible and should only be used for energy when all material options have been exhausted.

The livestream can be listened here in german language:



Prof. Dr. Andreas Krause


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