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Institute of

HF Wood Research

Sustainable use of wood components in focus

From July 3 to 7, the ISWFPC, the important international conference on wood chemistry, was held at Ca' Foscari University in Venice. Results from research projects of the Thünen Institute of Wood Research were presented.

After the biennial "International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry" was cancelled in the last years, this year again an international exchange could take place on many topics around the chemical utilization and characterization of wood and other fiber-based raw materials.

In many exciting sessions, reports and discussions were held on a wide range of topics from biomass analytics and pulp digestion to special applications of lignin, nanocellulose and hemicelluloses.

The Thünen-Institute participated in the conference together with the Institute of Wood Science of the University of Hamburg. Results from three research projects were presented from the Thünen Institute of Wood Research. Two presentations and one poster reported on straw fiber materials as reinforcing fibers for packaging papers, on biobased coatings by plasma polymerization, and on wood fiber materials as peat substitutes in plant substrates.



Dr. Fokko Schütt

Dennis Möck



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