Contributions to journals /magazines Contributions in reviewed journals / magazines of Thomas de Witte 0 Böhm J, Witte T de, Michaud C (2022) Land use Prior to Installation of Ground-mounted Photovolt
Contributions to books, compilations, conference proceedings of Thomas de Witte 0 Gaus C-C, Urso L-M, Minßen T-F, Witte T de (2018) Economics of mechanical weeding by a swarm of small field robots. Sc
Joint research project "Organic soils" Acquisition and development of methods, activity data and emission factors for the climate reporting under LULUCF/AFOLU Downloads Speeches Annette Freibauer „Kli
Joint research project "Organic soils" Acquisition and development of methods, activity data and emission factors for the climate reporting under LULUCF/AFOLU In the media Press Forschungsreport 2/201
Joint research project "Organic soils" Acquisition and development of methods, activity data and emission factors for the climate reporting under LULUCF/AFOLU Team at the institute © Thünen-Institut,
Joint research project "Organic soils" Acquisition and development of methods, activity data and emission factors for the climate reporting under LULUCF/AFOLU © Thünen-Institut/AK The rewetted bog in
Joint research project "Organic soils" Acquisition and development of methods, activity data and emission factors for the climate reporting under LULUCF/AFOLU Project partner Coordination: Prof. Dr. M
Land-use change and greenhouse gas emissions from soils GHG-Europe at the Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture © Thünen-Institut/AK Christopher Poeplau (l.) and Marc Jantz taking soil cores in Trent
Dr. Christian von Dorrien Institut für Ostseefischerei Alter Hafen Süd 2 18069 Rostock Telephone +49 381 66099 106 Fax +49 381 66099 199 Email Fields of activity Head of r
Project HotSpots Erosion Lead Institute BW Institute of Farm Economics Involved Institutes KB Institute of Coordination Unit Climate and Soil © Bastian Steinhoff-Knopp Hot spots of soil erosion risk i