Further Publications 0 Michael K, Kreiß C, Hu MY, Koschnick N, Bickmeyer U, Dupont S, Pörtner HO, Lucassen M (2016) Adjustments of molecular key components of branchial ion and pH regulation in Atlant
All publications of Stefan Schwarze 0 Bergschmidt A, Schwarze S (2022) Analyse der Nutzbarkeit von Daten des Herkunftssicherungs- und Informationssystems für Tiere (HIT) für die Bewertung von Tierwohl
Contributions to journals / magazines Contributions in reviewed journals / magazines of Stefan Schwarze 0 Pufahl A, Schwarze S, Roggendorf W, Sander A, Bathke M, Bergschmidt A (2022) Wirksamkeit und E
Contributions to books, compilations, conference proceedings of Stefan Schwarze 0 Roggendorf W, Schwarze S (2021) Die Wirkung von Agrarumweltmaßnahmen auf betriebliche Stickstoffbilanzen - Empirische
Contributions to books, compilations, conference proceedings of Raphaela Ellßel 0 Offermann F, Ellßel R, Hansen H (2018) Das EU-Einkommensstabilisierungsinstrument: Risikomanagement für Preisvolatilit
All Publications by Dr. Daniel Kübler before 2020 0 Falk T, Spangenberg JH, Siegmund-Schultze M, Kobbe S, Feike T, Kübler D, Settele J, Vorlaufer T (2018) Identifying governance challenges in ecosyste
Peer-reviewed articles by Hellen Nansikombi at the Thünen Institute 0 Nansikombi H, Fischer R, Ferrer Velasco R, Lippe M, Kanungwe Kalaba F, Kabwe G, Günter S (2020) Can de facto governance influence
Project Evaluation of organic feedstuffs Lead Institute OL Institute of Organic Farming © BLE, Bonn/Foto: Thomas Stephan In the near future, organic farmers should feed all of their animals with 100 %
Project Alternatives to castration Lead Institute OL Institute of Organic Farming The acceptance of piglet castration is declining. Therefore, boar fattening could be an alternative. But the problems
Project NatApp – smartphone-based documentation of nature conservation measures Lead Institute LV Institute of Rural Studies © ZALF/Holger Pfeffer The NatApp in development will be a tool for advising