Im Technologiezentrum Berlin Adlershof fand die 25. Tagung der Internationalen Pappelkommission der FAO, Rom (siehe ), mit über 200 Gästen aus 40 Ländern statt. Das Thünen
Am 28. April 2016 besuchten acht Schülerinnen und Schüler im Rahmen des Zukunftstages das Großhansdorfer Thünen-Institut. Besser bekannt unter den bisherigen Namen „Girls‘ Day“ und „Boys‘ Day“ beteili
Project Reduce food waste in commercial kitchens (ELoFoS) Lead Institute MA Institute of Market Analysis © LElik83 - Primary production, processing, transport, storage and preparation
Project Efficient reduction of food waste in wholesale and retail trade Lead Institute MA Institute of Market Analysis © khwaneigq - Food waste and redistribution in food retail has be
The Environmental-Economic Accounting (UGR) of the Federal Statistics Office (Destatis) is a calculation on the basis of various statistics. It shows the interaction between business and nature. The g
All publications at Thünen Institute of Thomas G. Schmidt 0 Kuntscher M, Goossens Y, Golub B, Schmidt TG, Leverenz D, Hafner G (2022) Efficient reduction of food waste in the food service sector. Brau
All publications at Thünen Institute of Yanne Goossens 0 Kuntscher M, Goossens Y, Golub B, Schmidt TG, Leverenz D, Hafner G (2022) Efficient reduction of food waste in the food service sector. Braunsc
Publications - pdf document of Yanne Goossens pdf document (limited accessibility; 708 kb)
Project Adaptibility and growth under climate change of provenances of Scots pine Lead Institute FG Institute of Forest Genetics Climate change will affect growth, vitality and survival of out main sp