Thünen Project brief 0 Hargita Y, Giessen L, Günter S (2020) Primärwaldverlust bis 2030 stoppen: UNFCCC REDD+ und Entwaldungsfreie Lieferketten. Hamburg: Thünen-Institut für Internationale Waldwirtsch
Project Gas Analysis Method for Wood-Based Panels Lead Institute HF Institute of Wood Research Formaldehyde is a component in many adhesives of wood-based products, but natural wood also emits formald
Project Development of standardised, nonlethal sampling methods for cavity-nesting wild bees Lead Institute BD Institute of Biodiversity © Thünen-Institut/Bastian Häfner Changes in land-use and farm m
Publoications, non peer reviewed 0 Ferretti J (2021) Elemente erfolgreicher Prozesse im Umgang mit Mensch-Wildtier-Interaktionen : Empfehlungen für die Prozessgestaltung zur Erstellung eines Konfliktm
Publications, peer reviewed 0 Said A, Ferretti J, Penca J, Hegland TJ, Schreiber M, Fernandez JP (2020) Small-scale fisheries access to fishing opportunities - a case study overview from Spain, Portug
Thünen Project brief 0 Veridiano RKA, Schröder J-M, Come R, Baldos A, Günter S (2020) Ang magkakahalong plantasyon bilang pangmaramihang tugon sa pagpapanumbalik ng kalikasan. Hamburg: Thünen Institut
Further Publications of Davit Stepanyan 0 Siddig K, Stepanyan D, Wiebelt M, Grethe H, Zhu T (2020) Climate change and agriculture in the Sudan: Impact pathways beyond changes in mean rainfall and temp
Project NITROSPHERE Lead Institute AK Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture © Thünen-Institut/AK The project NITROSPHERE investigates the relationship between atmospheric nitrogen deposition and gree
Project Monitoring groundwater levels in peatlands with radar data Lead Institute AK Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture © Thünen-Institut/AK Greenhouse gas emissions from organic soils are strongl