Background When food is left over and nobody else wants it - where to put it? Felicitas Schneider | 21.06.2022 BW Institute of Farm Economics MA Institut für Marktanalyse Food should be used sensibly.
Dossier Society's view of farm animal husbandry Inken Christoph-Schulz and Marie von Meyer-Höfer | 08.06.2022 MA Institute of Market Analysis The Thünen Institute investigates society's expectations o
Expertise Situation in Germany Daniela Weible and Johanna Schott | 27.06.2022 MA Institute of Market Analysis There is enough food available in Germany. Nevertheless, malnutrition and hunger exist in
Interview Wie kann Ökolandbau den Hunger bekämpfen? Martin Sattler mit Gerold Rahmann (forschungsfelder 2/2022) OL Institut für Ökologischen Landbau Ökologischer Landbau kann helfen, die weltweite Ver
Expertise Fahrplan für die Zukunft: Agenda 2030 für nachhaltige Entwicklung Daniela Weible und Aida González-Mellado | 24.06.2022 MA Institut für Marktanalyse Die Agenda 2030 für nachhaltige Entwicklu
Expertise Searching for food in the garbage– who does that? Felicitas Schneider | 21.06.2022 BW Institute of Farm Economics MA Institute of Market Analysis Not only homeless people search for food in
Expertise What the forests are worth to us Ulrike Hochgesand and Peter Elsasser (Wissenschaft erleben 2020/2) WF Institute of Forestry Forests are suppliers of raw materials, habitats for animals and
Expertise Future workshop Marie von Meyer-Höfer and Peter Elsasser | 29.06.2022 MA Institute of Market Analysis WF Institute of Forestry Future workshops have already proven successful in many policy
Expertise Standardised interview Marie von Meyer-Höfer and Peter Elsasser | 29.06.2022 MA Institute of Market Analysis WF Institute of Forestry Surveys are considered the best way of social research.
Expertise Group discussion Marie von Meyer-Höfer and Peter Elsasser | 29.06.2022 MA Institute of Market Analysis WF Institute of Forestry The group discussion is a qualitative survey method. Under the