Wiss. Dir. Dr. Martin Lorenz Scientist at the Thünen Institute until April, 30. 2021 Working Area Economic Evaluation, Forests and Society Regional Expertise Europe, North America Research Project ReW
Susanne Weis M.Sc. Scientist at the Thünen Institute until March, 31. 2022 Working Area Forestry in Germany Regional Expertise Germany Research Projects Involved in ValoFor Curriculum Vitae Born 1993
Florian Cormon M.Sc. Scientist at the Thünen Institute until March, 31. 2021 Working Area Forestry in Germany Working Area Germany, Canada, France Research Project ValoFor Publications Publication of
Dipl.-Forstw. Hermann Englert Scientist at the Thünen Institute until February, 28. 2021 Working Area Forestry in Germany Research Projects Matrix model for wood origins IEEAF-Update Analysis of the f
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All publications at Thünen Institute of Birgit Fengler
Rizza Karen Veridiano M.Sc. Scientist at the Thünen Institute until December, 31. 2020 Working Area Forestry Worldwide Research Project LaForeT Publications List of Publications of Rizza Karen Veridia
Dr. Hans-Walter Roering Scientist at the Thünen Institute until January, 31. 2022 Working Area Forestry in Germany Research Project Relocation Effects of the EU Biodiversitity Strategy 2030 Publicatio
Dr. Jobst Michael Schröder Scientist at the Thünen Institute until March, 15. 2021 Working Area Forestry Worldwide Regional Expertise World-wide Specialised in Tropical and boreal silviculture Agrofor
Christina Jany M.Sc. Scientist at the Thünen Institute until December, 31. 2020 Working Area Forestry Worldwide Regional Expertise Zambia, Gambia and South Africa Research Project LaForeT