The EU regional coordinating meeting for the North Atlantic is carried out in the Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries in Hamburg-Altona from the 14th to 18th of September. Participants from Spain, Portu
WKPASM aims to develop a protocol on the combined use of Bayesian Belief Networks and Bow-tie analysis to support risk based decision making spatial management. The workshop discussions and analysis w
The AFWG of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) assesses the stocks of Northeast Arctic cod, haddock, saithe, and Greenland halibut as well as Barents Sea capelin, Norwegia
All Publications of Nanke Brümmer 0 Brümmer N, Zander K (2021) Determinants of organic food choice in Germany: The case of young adults. Thünen Rep 88: 76
Project What is the added value of fuelwood consumption? Lead Institute WF Institute of Forestry Driven by the Renewable Energies Act as well as increasing prizes for fossil fuels fuelwood consumption
The Federation of German fisheries Administrators and Fisheries Scientists (VdFF) awarded a development prize for Simon Weltersbach, Ph.D.-student at the Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries, for his wor
Representatives of the Deutscher Angelfischer-Verband (DAFV), the Deutscher Meeresanglerverband (DMV), the Landesanglerverbände Schleswig-Holstein (LAV-SH) and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (LAV-MV),
5 talks and a concluding podium discussion shed light on the state of play of this probably most fundamental policy change in the European Common Fisheries Policy. Scientists of the Baltic Sea Fisheri
2015-07-24 marked the kick-off to a research cooperation between the National Academy of Agricultural Science (NAAS) of South Korea and the Thünen Institute (Germany). On this the Director of the Orga
1984 hatte der EG-Ministerrat die Einführung von Obergrenzen für die Milchproduktion beschlossen, nachdem wegen jahrelanger Milchüberschüsse hohe Lagerbestände an Butter und Milchpulver entstanden war