Since 1st October 2014 the Institute is coordinating the new “Large scale project on genetic timber verification (LargeScale Project).” The objective of the project is to develop genetic reference dat
Dr. Bruno Richard Stephan died after a short heavy illness on 09/04/2016. Richard, as he was called, came in 1968 from Hannover where received his PhD in horticulture to the institute at Grosshansdorf
Über den Waldklimafonds werden Projekte gefördert, die sich mit der Anpassung unserer Wälder an die Folgen des Klimawandels sowie der Rolle der Wälder beim Schutz des Klimas befassen. Am 20./21. Oktob
In a short video made by Bioversity International , Bernd Degen, Head of the Institute of Forest Genetics at von Thünen Institute, and one of the partners in the EU research project FORGER project, ex
Silver fir genome decoded: A tree species for the forest of the future Silver fir ( Abies alba ) is an evergreen coniferous tree species in the Pine family. It is native to Europe and can live up to 6
Detailed information: Bruegmann T, Wetzel H, Hettrich K, Smeds A, Willför S, Kersten B, Fladung M (2019) Knockdown of PCBER1, a gene of neolignan biosynthesis, resulted in increased poplar growth. Pla
Silver fir genome decoded: A tree species for the forest of the future Silver fir ( Abies alba ) is an evergreen coniferous tree species in the Pine family. It is native to Europe and can live up to 6