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Job Offers

Job offers of the Thünen Institute

Job offer

Scientist (f/m/d) (fisheries biology)

Beteiligte Institute
Institut für Ostseefischerei


The Institute for Baltic Sea Fisheries of the Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forests and Fisheries, in Rostock is looking for a position as soon as possible, initially for a limited period of two years, as part of the EU fisheries data collection program (data collection framework, DCF), reinforcement of the work area “Pelagic fish species and fishing-independent surveys in the Baltic Sea” with a PostDoc

Scientist (f/m/d)

(fisheries biology)

for your own further scientific qualification with the aim of qualifying for management and coordination tasks, e.g. at departmental research institutions, in the medium term. The position is subject to a fixed-term contract in accordance with Section 2 Paragraph 1 Sentence 2 of the Science Temporary Contract Act (maximum duration of the fixed-term contract).

The Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries collects an array of different fisheries-dependent and fisheries-independent data series on fish populations and fisheries in the Baltic Sea. These data are used to estimate the status of the different commercially exploited fish stocks and derive management recommendations. These efforts include undertaking internationally coordinated research surveys and biological sampling of the German commercial fisheries in the Baltic Sea.

The successful applicant will support the research work of the institute for the sea-going surveys, especially of pelagic species in the Baltic Sea. The applicant will undertake hydroacoustic surveys on research vessels and analyse the collected and already available data. Further tasks include the development and optimization of existing surveys in design and data analysis. Own research questions can be developed and addressed, as long as they have an impact on commercially exploited fish stocks of the Baltic Sea. We expect that results are published in peer-reviewed journals. An essential component of the job is the participation in working groups of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), with a focus on survey working groups and/or stock assessments.


  • Undertaking of sea cruises to survey the pelagic fish stocks of the Baltic Sea on research vessels and commercial fishing vessels
  • Acquisition and evaluation of biological data (e.g. fisheries, hydroacoustic and oceanographic data) including the application of modern methods (especially multi-frequency and broadband hydroacoustics)
  • Further development and optimization of fisheries surveys and analysis of existing data from surveys using modern analytical methods
  • Participation in national and internal working groups, especially recurrent ICES survey and stock assessment working groups
  • Development of own research questions
  • Writing of scientific papers for publication in peer-reviewed, international journals

 We expect from the applicant the following qualifications:

  • University degree (Univ.-diploma, M.Sc.), completed doctoral degree (PhD) and post-doc in fisheries biology, preferably with experience in hydroacoustic and statistical modelling
  • strong skills in integrating results from empirical work (e.g. surveys at sea, fisheries statistics) with elaborated mathematical modelling and theoretical thinking
  • Experience in fisheries-independent hydroacoustic surveys, including preparation and data analysis, ideally as cruise leader
  • Experience with stock assessment models commonly used in fisheries biology
  • Experience in applying for and conducting third-party funded project is beneficial
  • Availability to travel in Germany and abroad, willingness to travel on fishing and research vessels of all sizes, if necessary also with short lead time
  • Proficiency in English; for foreign applicants: willingness to learn German is required
  • Quick wit, even with complex questions
  • A high degree of motivation, organizational skills, inventiveness, ability to work in a team and related communication skills, and the ability to learn continuously
  • Experience in guiding staff members (e.g. students) is explicitly desired, willingness to guide staff members - especially as a cruise leader - is required
  • Interest in inter- and trans–disciplinary research (e.g. with social science)
  • Extensive experience in dealing with statistics, spreadsheets, presentation- and word processing routines, advanced experience with the programming language R
  • Physical ability to work at sea (seaworthy, lifting and carrying boxes, equipment and fish boxes)

 We offer a highly interesting job in applied research on the interface between science and fisheries management, often with strong echoes in the media, which provide the basis for a sustainable management of fish stocks; a well-equipped, modern work place, a large degree of freedom and intense interdisciplinary and international collaboration.

We support the compatibility of work and family and hold the berufundfamilie audit certificate. In order to support compatibility, the Thünen Institute offers, among other things, flexible working time models, home office and teleworking within the scope of business opportunities. Part-time employment is generally possible. The employment relationship is based on the provisions of the public service collective agreement (TVöD-Bund, Eastern collective bargaining area). The salary is paid if the collective agreement requirements are met and, depending on your personal professional qualification, up to salary group 13 TVöD. The Thünen Institute promotes professional equality between women and men and therefore expressly welcomes applications from women. The Thünen Institute is committed to inclusion. Applications from people with severe disabilities are therefore expressly encouraged. These are given special consideration in the selection process.

 Should you have questions regarding the scientific requirements etc., please address your inquiries by email or telephone to Dr. Stefanie Haase (Email, Tel. +49 (0)381/66099-121).

Send your applications in German or English, combined in one single pdf file, including your CV and copies of your certificates and, if available, publications, using the keyword “2023-256-OF-DCF-SURVEYS” until 17.12.2023 if possible by e-mail to

Thünen-Institut für Ostseefischerei

Herrn Dr. C. Zimmermann

Alter Hafen Süd 2, 18069 Rostock

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Dr. Stefanie Haase

+49 (0)381/66099-121

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