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Dr. Alisa Spiegel

Coordination Unit Climate, Soil, Biodiversity

Bundesallee 49
38116 Braunschweig
+49 531 257 01048 / +49 531 596 1113
+49 531 596 1199

Research interests

  • Carbon pricing
  • Climate-mitigation strategies
  • Climate targets


Involved in

ongoing projects

completed projects

    Presentations and Poster

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    Since Feb 2021

    PostDoc: Long-term climate-mitigation strategies in agriculture
    Thünen Institute, Coordination Unit Climate

    2018 – 2021

    PostDoc: Sustainable and resilient EU farming systems
    Wageningen University & Research, Business Economics Group

    2014 – 2018

    Doctoral degree: Investment and land-use decision under consideration of uncertainty
    University of Bonn, Institute for Food and Resource Economics

    2011 – 2013

    Master degree: Food and Resource Economics
    University of Bonn, Institute for Food and Resource Economics

    2006 – 2010

    Bachelor degree: Economics
    Moscow State University, Faculty of Economics

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