Walther Herwig III, Cruise 485
Duration of the cruise: 6 to 15 January 2025
Cruise area: Southern North Sea and English Channel
Purpose of the cruise: International Herring Larvae Survey in the North Sea
The 485th voyage of the Walther Herwig III is part of the International Herring Larvae Survey (IHLS). These surveys serve to regularly record the abundance and distribution of herring larvae in the spawning grounds of North Sea herring stocks. They are coordinated by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) and have been carried out in this form since 1972.
On this trip spawning areas in the southern North Sea and on the eastern side of the English Channel are to be investigated. In addition to the Federal Republic of Germany, the Netherlands is also involved in the IHLS, and samples the relevant study area in December. The results form an important basis for stock assessment and are included in the determination of fishing quotas.
Cruise leader:
- Phone
- +49 471 94460 331
- norbert.rohlf@thuenen.de