FARMIS in brief
FARMIS is a comparative-static programming model for farm groups based on information from the farm accountancy data network (FADN). It provides a detailed reproduction and projection of agricultural production activities at farm level. Competition of farms on important factor markets is modelled endogenously.
Mathematical programming model
Main field of application
Differentiated analysis of policy impacts on farms of different type, size, etc.
Sector-consistent modelling of policy impacts taking into account farm characteristics as well as ownership and prices of quotas and land for income assessments
Structural change currently projected exogenously; no single-farm projections; projection of new activities restricted
Typical applications
Analyses of CAP reforms (e.g. Ecoschemes, CAP after 2020)
- Calibration by positive mathematical programming
- Aggregation of farm group results to sector level
- Coupling to partial equilibrium market models
Data base
Farm accountancy data network (FADN). The current base year is based on accountancy information from national FADN of the farming years 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21. The stratification by agricultural region, main farm type, farm size and management system provides 601 farm group models (of which 100 farm groups represent organic farming).
Differentiation of production
27 crop und 22 livestock activities
Policy instruments
Ecoschemes, production quotas, direct payments, modulation, set-aside, stocking rate limits, minimum land use requirements
Quotas, land, young animals
Endogenous variables
Factor allocation, supply quantities and income at farm and sector level, prices of quotas, land, young animals
Exogenous variables
Product prices, policy variables (e.g. area payments, quotas), projection of technical coefficients
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