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Our work in the Thünen topic "Business structures and Income" is primarily focused on the sectors of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, but also extends into the downstream sectors (food industry, timber industry) and in the future will increasingly focus on the entire economy of rural areas.

The activities can be assigned to four focal points:

  • National accounts, sector and regional studies: development and importance of economic sectors; consistent sector, regional and farm analyses

  • Firm size, structural change, ownership: analyses of structural change; impact of policy on structural change; analyses of land ownership

  • Income situation, social situation: monitoring of income development; women on farms.

  • Projections and policy impact assessments: application of impact assessment models; further development of models.


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Ein voller Steert, gefüllt mit Fischen liegt an Deck eines Fischreischiffes
The German fishing fleet

What is the structure of German fisheries? How much fish is imported and exported, which species generate which revenues? And how can brexit change the situation in EU seas? You will find answers in the following dossier.

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Farm income

Farm incomes are subject to strong fluctuations: The prices a farm can achieve for a liter of milk or a kilo of meat change from year to year - as do the prices for seed, fertilizer, feed and energy. We analyse income development over time.

Stapel mit Schnittholz und Paletten liegen auf einem Hof im Freien
The economic situation of the forestry and timber industries in Germany

Official statistics on turnover, company and employment data provide insight on the economic sectors of forestry and timber. We quantify the value added in the forestry and timber industry and consider its development over time.

Ein kleiner Stellnetzkutter fährt vorbei
Shaping structural change in coastal fisheries actively

Coastal fisheries in the North Sea and Baltic Sea are in serious crisis. The directors of the Thünen Institutes of Sea Fisheries and Baltic Sea Fisheries, Dr Gerd Kraus and Dr Christopher Zimmermann, comment on the situation.

Ein Fischereischiff liegt schräge im Wasser bei Seegang und holt gerade eiin pelagisches Netz mit großen Vormaschen ein
Effects of Brexit on German deep-sea fishing

One sector of the economy affected by Brexit is fishing. The Thünen Institute has investigated the situation and the possible consequences for the fishing industry.


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