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Current trends in the German organic sector

The organic food industry in Germany has experienced a steady growth over the last two decades. For the year 2022, the success-spoiled sector has recorded a decline in sales for the first time.

Current trends in the German organic sector

Public benefits of organic agriculture for environment and society

Organic agriculture provides numerous societal services for environmental protection and resource conservation. This is the result of a study by the Thünen Institute with other research partners published in 2019.

Public benefits of organic agriculture for environment and society

Special features of animal husbandry in organic farming

The ideal of organic farming is a closed nutrient cycle between soil, plants and animals. Animal husbandry is tied to the land, i.e. the farm itself should be the basis for both fodder and nutrients.

Special features of animal husbandry in organic farming

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Keeping cows and calves together

It has become a rare sight in modern dairy production systems: cows and their calves together. Usually, they are separated immediately after birth. However, there is another option called cow-calf contact.

Keeping cows and calves together

Do we have a welfare friendly animal husbandry?

How can we measure whether animals feel well? What options exist to evaluate animal welfare in livestock farming? Which political measures are effective in achieving improvements?

Do we have a welfare friendly animal husbandry?

Strengthen the cultivation of legumes

Legumes stimulate soil fertility, fix atmospheric nitrogen as an important nitrogen source, increase the diversity of crop rotations, and are the most important feed protein source in organic animal husbandry. Even in conventional farming legumes are attractive

Strengthen the cultivation of legumes

Aquaculture – Farming the Waters

Aquaculture is the fastest growing segment of global food production. Today, aquaculture produces 66 million tonnes of fish and seafood per year (excluding seaweed). Soon it will take over the role of catch fisheries as most important supplier.

Aquaculture – Farming the Waters

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