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In the Thünen topic “Spatial Allocation Concepts and Wildlife Management” our focus is on:

  • Marine spatial management: allocation of nature protected sites; co-use of offshore wind farms.
  • Land use management: recording, presentation, analysis; evaluation of land use options; landscape laboratories
  • Wildlife management: wildlife population surveys; protection of grazing livestock against wolves; wildlife and animal diseases

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Mehrere Windkrafträder auf offener See mit einer Versorgungstation
Marine Space Utilization

Offshore renewable energy is an important building block for achieving climate goals. But it leads to severe space constraints for other uses, such as fishing, as these uses have so far been considered incompatible.

Hirschkuh mit Halsbandsender im Schnee
Wildlife - pro or contra?

Wild animals are an important and desirable part of our cultural landscapes. However, in certain areas they can also "disturb": they bite trees, root up fields, cause traffic accidents and transmit diseases. Wildlife management issues are ...

Logo des Wildtier-Informationssystem der Länder Deutschlands (WILD)
The Eberswalde WILD Center

The Wildlife Information System of the German Federal States (WILD) is a nationwide monitoring program that collects data on the occurrence, abundance, and population trends of wildlife.

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Offshore wind farm as a cod refuge

A pilot study with a new monitoring approach in the German Bight confirms the ecological importance of offshore wind farms as a potential refuge and food source for marine life: Rock piles at the base of wind turbines function as artificial reefs and ...


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