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Institute of

SF Sea Fisheries

Dr. Rebecca A. M. Lauerburg

Institute of Sea Fisheries

Herwigstraße 31
27572 Bremerhaven

Research interests

  • Effects of management measures on the dynamics of the socio-ecological system of the North Sea with special regard to tipping points and their implications for the development of management strategies
  • Relationships and interactions between ecosystem components and their socio-economic counterparts
  • Interactions between fish population dynamics and ecosystem changes on biotic and abiotic levels. In particular, the growth of juvenile and adult fish, selective mortality and adaptations to changing conditions.
  • Processing and analysis of ecological and socio-economic data. Especially, physical, economic and ecological time series.


  • Assessment of the interactions between key components of the socio-ecological system of the North Sea focussing on fisheries resources (brown shrimp, blue mussel, plaice, sole) and the management of multiple anthropogenic pressures in the German exclusive economic zone and adjacent waters.
  • Compilation, processing and analysis of ecological and socio-economic datasets associated with the socio-ecological system of the southern North Sea
  • Project coordination and management with special emphasis on stakeholder engagement


Involved in

ongoing projects

    completed projects

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