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WI Institute of Rural Economics

Dr. Martin Simmler

Dr. Martin Simmler

Institute of Rural Economics

Bundesallee 64
38116 Braunschweig
+49 531 2570 1797 / +49 171 6821222

Work and research focus

  • Spatial distribution of economic activity
  • Regional economics
  • Spatial interaction

Additional information

  • Since 09/2022
    Research fellow at the Thünen Institute for Rural Economics
  • 2014-08/2022
    Senior research fellow at the Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation, Oxford
  • 2009-2017
    Research fellow in the Public Economics Department of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), Berlin
  • 2009-2014
    Doctoral program „Berlin Doctoral Program in Economics and Management Science“ and PhD at the Free Univestity Berlin
    „Tax Policy and Firms‘ Financing and Investment Decision“, Degree: Dr. rel. pol (2014)
  • 2008-2009
    Tax consultant assistent, SMEs Deloitte & Touche GmbH, Berlin
  • 2002-2007
    Studies in Economics at the Free University Berlin, Degree: Diplom-Volkswirt (equivalent to Eco-nomics MSc)

Publications at the Thünen Institute

Previous publications

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