Daniel Bross
Institute of Forest Genetics
Sieker Landstraße 222927 Großhansdorf
- Telephone
- +49 4102 696 129
- daniel.bross@thuenen.de
Since 2022: PhD student in the project „Genomics of sex determination in the conifer species Taxus baccata L.“ (TaxGen)
2018-2022: Master of Science (Biology) at Kiel University (CAU).
Master thesis: „The light environment of ash-rich forests under the influence of ash dieback“
2015-2018: Bachelor of Science (Biology) at Kiel University (CAU).
Bachelor thesis: „A study of the effect of the Tobacco rattle virus on the expression of homospermidine synthase and diamine oxidase in Heliotropium indicum compared to the pyrrolizidine alkaloid content“
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