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EIP-AGRI focus group "Reducing food loss on the farm"

Wasted fruits and vegetables
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EIP-AGRI focus group "Reducing food loss on the farm"

On May 22nd, 2018, the selected experts who applied for contribution to the EIP-AGRI Focus Group "Reducing food loss on the farm" were presented online. Among the 23 experts, Felicitas Schneider represents Thünen Institute.

Background and Objective

The purpose of an EIP-AGRI Focus Group is to explore practical innovative solutions to problems and to draw on and share experience gained from relevant innovative projects. The group discusses and documents research results and implications for further research activities that will help to solve practical issues in the sector. Such issues may be related to production, processing, consumption, transport or other areas. The group is asked to focus on practical knowledge and dissemination to the sector.

Up to 20 experts are selected for each Focus Group according to a balanced composition representing farmers, advisers, scientists and (where appropriate) representatives from industry, civil society or other relevant actors. Focus Groups are expected to work for around 12 months and will meet face-to-face twice.


Target Group

The results of an EIP-AGRI Focus Group are intended to support a sustainable and competative european agriculture that achieves `more and better from less´.


The EIP-AGRI Focus Group "Reducing food loss on the farm" will concentrate on the on-farm practices and technologies that have a potential to limit the loss of plant food products, such as cereals, olives and fruit and vegetables, in the European Union. The Focus Group is expected to carry out the following main tasks:

  • Identify the main factors causing loss of plant food products on the farm;
  • Identify existing on-farm practices that limit the loss of plant food products, such as cereals, olives and fruit and vegetables;

  • Identify technologies that can help create value within the food chain or in non-food value chains for by-products and for products that might otherwise not be sold (N.B. energy production on the farm is already dealt with under another Focus Group);

  • Define strategies to reduce loss of plant food products at farm level, from the selection of crops and varieties and planting to harvesting and the delivery of the product (handling, storing…);

  • Identify examples of new strategies for marketing plant food products which are not of a quality which is accepted by traditional market channels;

  • Explore the possibilities offered by digital technologies in helping to reduce food loss on the farm;

  • Provide examples of practices and tools to limit the loss of plant food products on the farm;

  • Propose potential innovative actions to stimulate the knowledge and use of practices and strategies for limiting food waste on the farm;

  • Identify remaining research and innovation needs coming from practice associated to the reduction of food loss in the production of plant food products.


The final report is aleady available at EIP-AGRI website.

Links and Downloads

Involved Thünen-Partners


6.2018 - 9.2020

Publications to the project

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    Argyropoulos D, Bernaert N, Briaumont D, Chavrier N, Elorrieta MA, Féret S, Halbert C, Hartikainen H, Jaakkola M, Jimenez Perez S, Krol M, Power C, Rivereau A, Roels J, Rätsep R, Schneider F, Sermuksnyte-Alesiuniene K, Williams D, Vittuari M, Vooijs J, et al (2020) EIP-AGRI Focus Group : reducing food loss on the farm : final report April 2020 [online]. Bruxelles: European Commission, 27 p, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 20.02.2023]

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