Dr. Christoph Stransky

Institute of Sea Fisheries
Herwigstraße 3127572 Bremerhaven
- Telephone
- +49 471 94460 141
- Fax
- +49 471 94460 199
- christoph.stransky@thuenen.de
Research interests
- Collection and analysis of German commercial fisheries data
- Stock status and management of redfish
- Growth and age determination of fish Otolith-based stock separation
- Member and partly Chair of various international expert groups (ICES, STECF)
- Deputy Director
- Biological monitoring of German fisheries activities in the North Sea and North Atlantic and derivation of protection measures for fish stocks
- Annual surveys of demersal fish stocks (cod, saithe, haddock, redfish, Greenland halibut, plaice, sole) in the North Sea and North Atlantic for the assessment of biologically sustainable catch levels
- Contributiuons to Advisory Committees of the European Union (STECF) and ICES committees
- Analyses of fishery effort (log-book data and VMS) and its relationship with fishing mortality and population dynamics of fish stocks with the aim to adjust fishing capacity to fishing opportunities
- Advice to BMEL, BMU and EU in relation to fisheries management
- Stock delineation of redfish (Sebastes mentella) straddling NAFO and NEAFC areas based on genetic analyses of archived otoliths
Educational background and employment
- since 2010: Deputy director at the Institute of Sea Fisheries
- since 2004: Research Scientist at the Institute of Sea Fisheries
- since 2007: National Correspondent of the EU Fisheries Data Collection Framework (DCF)
- 2000 - 2004: Research Scientist at the Institute of Sea Fisheries within the EU project 'REDFISH'
- 1999-2004: Ph.D. at the University of Hamburg, Germany. Thesis on 'Stock separation and growth of redfish (genus Sebastes) in the North Atlantic by means of shape and elemental analysis of otoliths'
- 1997 - 1998: M.Sc. course in Marine and Fisheries Science, University of Aberdeen, Scotland/UK; Thesis on 'A comparison of biomass estimates obtained from small and large-scale groundfish surveys in the North Sea'
- 1993-1997: Diploma studies in Biology, University of Hamburg, Germany. Main subject: Hydrobiology and Fisheries Science, Subsidiary subjects: Zoology, Physical Oceanography
Working Groups and Committees
Working Group - Committee | Tasks |
ICES | |
Planning Group on Data Needs for Assessment and Advice (PGDATA) | PGDATA helps ICES and other end users to understand the quality of datasets and to use them as effectively as possible, and to employ objective ways to identify and prioritize data needs. |
Stock Identification Methods Working Group (SIMWG) | This group reviews new methods for the definition and investigation of stock structure and provides advice to other ICES expert groups on how to interpret patterns of population structure. |
Working Group on Biological Parameters (WGBIOP) | This Working Group is devoted to the provision of biological parameters at a national, regional, and stock level, serving as a bridge between data collectors and end users. |
Expert Working Groups on the EU Data Collection Framework (DCF) | EU expert working groups on the Data Collection Framework (DCF), e.g. for the evaluation of the DCF work plans and annual reports. |
STECF Plenary | The current 32 Members of STECF meet three times a year to formulate the advice of STECF regarding the requests of the EU Commission. In case of extensive requests, results of the work of the Expert Working Groups are taken into account. |
Internationale Gremien | |
Expert Group on Fisheries Data Collection, Liaison Meeting (EU-COM, RCGs, PGECON, ICES, RFMOs) | Higher-level meetings for the coordination of the Data Collection Framework (DCF) in consultation with data users (e.g. ICES) and the European Commission. |
DCF National Correspondents Meeting | Information event and dialogue meeting between EU member states (National correspondents) and the European Commission regarding the Data Collection Framework (DCF). |
Regional Coordination Group North Atlantic, North Sea & Eastern Arctic (RCM NA NS and EA) | Regional Coordination Group of the Data Collection Framework for the North Atlantic, the North Sea and Eastern Arctic. |
National Committees | |
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), Monitroing committee | Monitoring committee of the German operational program within the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and with representatives of federal and state governments, associations and the European Commission. |
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