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Institute of

SF Sea Fisheries

Publications, peer-reviewed

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    Cayetano A, Stransky C, Birk A, Brey T (2024) An interactive AI-driven platform for fish age reading. PLoS One 19(11):e0313934, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0313934

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    Cayetano A, Stransky C, Birk A, Brey T (2024) Fish age reading using deep learning methods for object-detection and segmentation. ICES J Mar Sci 81(4):687-700, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsae020

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    Kasmi Y, Blancke T, Eschbach E, Möckel B, Casas L, Bernreuther M, Nogueira P, Delfs G, Kadhim S, Meißner T, Rödiger M, Eladdadi A, Stransky C, Hanel R (2023) Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) assessment approaches in the North and Baltic Sea: A comparison of environmental DNA analysis versus bottom trawl sampling. Front Mar Sci 10:1058354, DOI:10.3389/fmars.2023.1058354

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    Vaz A, Guerreiro MA, Landa J, Hannipoula O, Thasitis I, Scarcella G, Sabatini L, Vitale S, Mugerza E, Mahé K, Reis-Santos P, Tanner S, Stransky C, Pardal M, Martinho F (2023) Otolith shape analysis as a tool for stock identification of two commercially important marine fishes: Helicolenus dactylopterus and Merluccius merluccius. Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 293:108471, DOI:10.1016/j.ecss.2023.108471

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    Spotowitz L, Johansen T, Hansen A, Berg E, Stransky C, Fischer P (2022) New evidence for the establishment of coastal cod Gadus morhua in Svalbard fjords. Mar Ecol Progr Ser 696:119-133, DOI:10.3354/meps14126

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    Van der Sleen P, Stransky C, Morrongiello JR, Haslob H, Perharda M, Black BA (2018) Otolith increments in European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) reveal temperature and density-dependent effects on growth. ICES J Mar Sci 75(5):1655-1663, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsy011

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    Stransky C, Döring R (2016) Aktuelle Strukturen und Probleme der Fischereiwirtschaft in der Nordsee. Geogr Rundsch(4):12-17

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    Tuset VM, Otero-Ferrrer JL, Gomez-Zureta J, Venerus LA, Stransky C, Umondi R, OrlovAM, Ye Z, Santschi L, Afanasiev PK, Zhuang L, Farre MB, Love MS, Lombarte A (2016) Otolith shape lends support to the sensory drive hypothesis in rockfishes. J Evol Biol 29(10):2083-2097, DOI:10.1111/jeb.12932

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    Stransky C (2014) Morphometric outlines (Chapter 7). In: Cadrin S, Kerr L, Mariani S (eds) Stock identification methods. New York; London; San Francisco: Academic Press, pp 129-140, doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-397003-9.00007-2

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    Abaunza P, Murta AG, Stransky C (2014) Sampling for interdisciplinary analysis. In: Cadrin S, Kerr L, Mariani S (eds) Stock identification methods. New York; London; San Francisco: Academic Press, pp 477-500, doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-397003-8.00020-5

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