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© Andreas Bolte
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Institute of

WO Forest Ecosystems


German National Forst Inventory

Preparation, conduction and evaluation of the German National Forest Inventory as well as processing of the results.

Every ten years we measure and count a sample of trees in the forest. Bund and Länder (federal states) require this data for the design of forest policy. The data is also used for strategic investment and location decisions in the timber industry.

Background and Objective

The German National Forest Inventory is a statutory duty under the Federal Forest Act § 41a and a central database on forests in Germany. It provides an overview of the large-scale forest conditions and forest production potentials. The inventory has so far been conducted three times: 1987, 2002 and 2012. Since 2010, a repeat is set every ten years. The fourth inventory (2022) is currently being prepared. Since 2010, a repetition every ten years has been stipulated by law. In addition, in 2008 and 2017 data on carbon stocks were collected from a sub-sample of the German Federal Forest Inventory and evaluated in abroad range of ways. The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture commissioned the Thünen-Institute of Forest Ecosystems with the central inventory management. This includes the development of the inventory method, the coordination of data collection by the federal states, the compilation, evaluation and preparation of the data and results for a broad public.


The German National Forest Inventory is a terrestrial large-scale inventory on a sample basis. The sample points are evenly distributed in a systematic grid over the whole of Germany. With the last inventory from 2012 60 Inventory teams from the federal states have surveyed approximately 420.000 sample trees on 60.000 sample points and collected many other data. For data collection, we have provided a special software available to the teams. The field teams have transferred the data over the Internet to a central database at the Thünen Institute. We analysed the data in various ways and the results are stored in a result database, which is publicly available on the Internet to

Data collection for the German National Forest Inventory 2022 started in spring 2021. For this purpose the sample density was increased, so that round about 75,000 sample points will assessed. The recording procedure was slightly modified (later link to the Field Instruction). In particular, DNA samples will be collected for the first time to determine genetic diversity.

Our Research Questions

How much forest is there in Germany? How does it look like? How has it changed? How much wood is used and how much is regrowing?

Preliminary Results

The forest area is stable. Forest conversion and afforestation are balanced.

The growing stock has continued to increase, because the forest owners have used less wood than is regrown.

There are more deciduous trees, more old and thick trees and more dead wood. These are favourable conditions for forest biodiversity.

The area of spruce has decreased because spruce stands which were cleared by logging or damaging events are often afforested with deciduous trees from which more natural and stable forests should develop. On the other hand, however, a future shortage of spruce wood is thus initiated.

Further results on the Internet at and and

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  1. 0

    Gschwantner T, Riedel T, Henning L, Adame P, Adolt R, Aguirre A, Alberdi I, Avitabile V, Cañellas I, Di Cosmo L, Fischer C, Freudenschuß A, Gasparini P, Henttonen HM, Korhonen KT, Kucera M, Marin G, Máslo J, Mionskowski M, Morneau F, et al (2024) Improved large-area forest increment information in Europe through harmonisation of National Forest Inventories. Forest Ecol Manag 562:121913, DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2024.121913

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    Päivinen R, Astrup R, Birdsey RA, Breidenbach J, Fridman J, Kangas A, Kauppi PE, Köhl M, Korhonen KT, Johannsen VK, Morneau F, Riedel T, Schadauer K, Wernick IK (2023) Ensure forest-data integrity for climate change studies. Nat Clim Change 13(6):495-496, DOI:10.1038/s41558-023-01683-8

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    Polley H (2022) Die Suche nach der Wahrheit über den Wald : Waldinventur und -monitoring in Deutschland. In: Bemmann A, Irslinger R, Anders K (eds) Vom Glück der Ressource : Wald und Forstwirtschaft im 21. Jahrhundert. München: oekom Verl, pp 229-241

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  5. 4

    Gschwantner T, Alberdi I, Bauwens S, Bender S, Borota D, Bosela M, Bouriaud O, Breidenbach J, Donis J, Fischer C, Gasparini P, Heffernan L, Herve J-C, Kolozs L, Korhonen KT, Koutsias N, Kovacsevics P, Kucera M, Kulbokas G, Riedel T, et al (2022) Growing stock monitoring by European National Forest Inventories: Historical origins, current methods and harmonisation. Forest Ecol Manag 505:119868, DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119868

  6. 5

    Alberdi I, Bender S, Riedel T, Avitable V, Bouriaud O, Bosela M, Camia A, Cañellas I, Castro Rego F, Fischer C, Freudenschuß A, Fridman J, Gasparini P, Gschwantner T, Guerrero S, Kjartansson BT, Kucera M, Lanz A, Marin G, Mubareka S, et al (2020) Assessing forest availability for wood supply in Europe. Forest Pol Econ 111:102032, DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2019.102032

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    Röhling S, Demant B, Dunger K, Neubauer M, Oehmichen K, Riedel T, Stümer W (2019) Equations for estimating belowground biomass of Silver Birch, Oak and Scots Pine in Germany. iForest 12(2):166-172, DOI:10.3832/ifor2862-012

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    Gschwantner T, Alberdi I, Balazs A, Bauwens S, Bender S, Borota D, Bosela M, Bouriaud O, Cañellas I, Donis J, Freudenschuß A, Herve J-C, Hladnik D, Jansons J, Kolozs L, Korhonen KT, Kucera M, Kulbokas G, Kuliesis A, Riedel T, et al (2019) Harmonisation of stem volume estimates in European National Forest Inventories. Ann Forest Sci 76:24, DOI:10.1007/s13595-019-0800-8

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    Wellbrock N, Grüneberg E, Riedel T, Polley H (2017) Carbon stocks in tree biomass and soils of German forests. Cent Eur For J 63:105-112, DOI:10.1515/forj-2017-13

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    Riedel T, Hennig P, Kroiher F, Polley H, Schmitz F, Schwitzgebel F (2017) Die dritte Bundeswaldinventur : BWI 2012 ; Inventur- und Auswertungsmethoden. Berlin: Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL), 115 p

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    Schmitz F, Polley H, Hennig P, Kroiher F, Marks A, Oehmichen K, Riedel T, Schmidt U, Schwitzgebel F, Stauber T (2017) Ergebnisse der Bundeswaldinventur 2012. Bonn: Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL), 277 p

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    Riedel T, Demant B, Hennig P, Neubauer M, Polley H, Schwitzgebel F (2016) Aufnahmeanweisung für die Kohlenstoffinventur 2017 (CI 2017) : 1. Auflage, Juli 2016 (Version 1.2). Bonn: Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL), 84 p

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    Polley H, Kroiher F, Riedel T, Seintsch B, Schmidt U (2016) Buche und Fichte - beliebt und begehrt. In: Wissenschaft im Hainich : Stand und Chancen einer nachhaltigen und langfristigen Forschung in bewirtschafteten und unbewirtschafteten Laubmischwäldern ; 27. bis 29. April 2016 im Kultur- und Kongresszentrum Bad Langensalza. pp 138-139

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    Redmond JJ, Gschwantner T, Riedel T, Alberdi I, Vidal C, Bosela M, Fischer C, Hernández L, Kucera M, Kuliesis A, Tomter SM, Westman M, Lanz A (2016) Comparison of wood resource assessment in National Forest Inventories. In: Vidal C, Alberdi I, Hernández L, Redmond JJ (eds) National forest inventories : assessment of wood availability and use. Cham: Springer International Publ, pp 25-53, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-44015-6_2

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    Alberdi I, Gschwantner T, Bosela M, Redmond JJ, Riedel T, Snorrason A, Gasparini P, Braendli UB, Fridman J, Tomter SM, Kulbokas G, Lanz A (2016) Harmonisation of data and information on the potential supply of wood resources. In: Vidal C, Alberdi I, Hernández L, Redmond JJ (eds) National forest inventories : assessment of wood availability and use. Cham: Springer International Publ, pp 55-79

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    Henning L, Lanz A, Riedel T (2016) Use of National Forest Inventory data to estimate biomass in the European forests. In: Kohler M, Csapek G, Bauhus J (eds) FowiTa : 14. Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung 2016 Freiburg im Breisgau ; Abstracts ; 16. bis 29. September 2016. Freiburg im Breisgau: Professur für Waldbau, p 154

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    Polley H, Kroiher F, Riedel T, Seintsch B, Schmidt U (2015) Buche und Fichte - beliebt und begehrt. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 6 p, Thünen à la carte 3, DOI:10.3220/CA1444828309000

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    Polley H, Tottewitz F (2015) Verbiss und Schäle bundesweit erfasst : Ergebnisse der Bundeswaldinventur 3 zu den Wildschäden im Wald auf Bundesebene. Pro Wald(Sept.):4-6

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    Polley H, Hennig P (2015) Waldeigentum im Spiegel der Bundeswaldinventur. AFZ Der Wald 70(6):34-36

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    Schmitz F, Polley H, Hennig P, Kroiher F, Marks A, Riedel T, Schmidt U, Schwitzgebel F, Stauber T (2014) Der Wald in Deutschland : ausgewählte Ergebnisse der dritten Bundeswaldinventur. Bonn: Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL), 52 p

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    Polley H (2014) Die Bundeswaldinventur - ein Schaufenster in den Wald. BDF Aktuell(11):8-10

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    Polley H (2014) Trotz Inventur geöffnet : Die Bundeswaldinventur - ein Schaufenster in den Wald. Forschungsreport Ernähr Landwirtsch Verbrauchersch(2):44-45

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    Tomter SM, Gasparini P, Gschwantner T, Hennig P, Kulbokas G, Kuliesis A, Polley H, Robert N, Rondeux J, Tabacchi G, Tomppo E (2012) Establishing bridging functions for harmonizing growing stock estimates: examples from European National Forest Inventories. Forest Sci 58(3):224-235

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    Polley H (2011) Aufnahmeanweisung für die dritte Bundeswaldinventur (BMI³)(2011-2012). 2. geänd. Aufl., Mai 2011. Bonn: Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz, 107 p

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  53. 52

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  54. 53

    Schmitz F, Polley H, Hennig P, Dunger K, Englert H (2005) Das potentielle Rohholzaufkommen 2003 bis 2042 : das Wichtigste in Kürze; zu den Bundeswaldinventur-Erhebungen 2001 bis 2002 und 1986 bis 1988. Berlin: BMELV, 75 p

  55. 54

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