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Autonomous technology for power supply in the intensive forest monitoring

© © Thünen-Institut WO/Öko
Production of electro power with a thermo generator in a little green house

Objective of the project was the analysis and usage of potential energy sources in forest ecosystems. The overall goal is the development of a autonomously working technology for measurement systems, data storage systems and the transmission of process data in the silvicultural monitoring. We combined all sectoral and potential energy sources of the forest that an integrated energy supply of all measurement systems under different forest conditions and structure could be provided.

Background and Objective

Aim of the project is a autonomous energy supply of process measurements in the forest monitoring. It is intended to bundle the potentially available energy sources of the environment in such a way that a autonomous perennial power supply of all systems becomes possible in different forest structures. Modern technologies are combined to manage the energy supply as well as reliably control functions of the measure-, memory- and transmission systems.  Furthermore, the development of a heterogeneous, wireless sensor network for the management of process measurements and an automatized alarm management are essential parts of the project. It should permit adjusting of boundary values for measuring parameters that are independently monitored. Upon reaching these values, a response is triggered and the responsible person will be informed.

Target Group

Utilisation for research institutes and general monitoring procedures.


For the collection of meteorological-, soil hydrological- and growth parameters in the open land and forests, self-generated electricity will be provided. Potential source of energy to be checked: Solar, wind, geothermal energy, kinetic energy and the potential gradient of the pH value between tree and soil. Design and implementation of field investigations that monitor and document the functionality of process measurements and data transfer as well as the efficiency of the power generation are illustrated.


Final report

Funding Body

  • Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
    (national, öffentlich)


Institute of Forest Ecosystems
Head of Ecology and Forest Dynamics, Contact person Intensive Forest Monitoring


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    Natkhin M, Beck W, Müller J (2015) Vlijanie zasuchi na rost derev'ev v Germanii - ot modelej k obšcim položenijam - The influence of drought on tree growth in in Germany - from models to general statements. Lesotechniceskij žurnal 5(3(19)):76-84, DOI:10.12737/14155

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