Conservation and sustainable utilization of forest tree diversityin climate change
Rapid changes in climatic conditions, due to global warming, are making it impossible for Central European Forest ecosystems to adapt naturally. Planting alternative tree species and utilizing the tree species’ intrinsic adaptive capacity is considered to be the most promising adaptation strategy.
Background and Objective
Neither European nor national policies - including regional and local recommendations for seed use and regeneration - consider the challenges of climate change with respect to Central European Forests adequately. Also, national policies and a lack of data exchange on forest reproductive material impede utilization of the most suitable genetic resources and the transfer across national boundaries and thus increase the vulnerability of genetic resources in climate change.
By establishing a transnational model for seed transfer and sustainable utilization and conservation of genetic resources of forest trees, SUSTREE contributes to protection of the environment and biodiversity of the Central European forests.
SUSTREE aims to combine existing knowledge on future, climate change affected tree species distribution with existing but only nationally available knowledge on the adaptive genetic variation of species. Based on these recommendations an improved policy on forest seed legislation and practical guidelines for forest companies and nurseries are developed.
In order to demonstrate the applicability and to implement the obtained transnational guidance for conservation and utilization of genetic resources, international pilot actions with forest companies, tree nurseries and nature conservation reserves are planned. It is planned, for example, to develop application tools like a WEB-GIS or a Smartphone-App to transfer obtained results to forest and natural resource managers.
Links and Downloads
Data: (Password: eurocordex)
Involved Thünen-Partners
Involved external Thünen-Partners
Federal Research and Training Centre of Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape - BFW
(Wien, Österreich) -
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
(Prag, Tschechische Republik) -
National Forest Centre, Forest Research Institute
(Zvolen, Slowakei) - Nemzeti Agrárkutatási és Innovációs Központ (NARIC) - National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre
(Gödöllő, Pest, Ungarn) -
Forest Research Institute
(Raszyn, Polen) -
Austrian Federal Forests plc.
(Purkersdorf, Österreich) -
National Food Chain Safety Office
(Budapest, Ungarn) -
Bayerisches Amt für forstliche Saat- und Pflanzenzucht (ASP)
(Teisendorf, Deutschland)
Funding Body
European Union (EU)
(international, öffentlich)
8.2016 - 7.2019
More Information
Project funding number: CE614
Project status:
- 0
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Stojnic S, Suchocka M, Benito Garzón M, Torres-Ruiz JM, Cochard H, Bolte A, Cocozza C, Cvjetkovic B, De Luis M, Martinez-Vilalta J, Raebild A, Tognetti R, Delzon S (2018) Variation in xylem vulnerability to embolism in European beech from geographically marginal populations. Tree Physiol 38(2):173-185, DOI:10.1093/treephys/tpx128
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Bräuning A, Bolte A, Nabais C, Rossi S, Sass-Klaassen U (2017) Editorial: studying tree responses to extreme events. Front Plant Sci 8:Art.506, DOI:10.3389/fpls.2017.00596