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Institute of

OF Baltic Sea Fisheries


The ICES benchmark workshop on Baltic cod has outlined the work required in the short term to solve the current assessment problems with Baltic cod, and the EU minister’s council has agreed on Baltic cod TACs.

“Invitation to a state visit” was the slogan of this year’s open day of the German federal government. At the Ministry of Nutrition and Agriculture (BMEL) in Berlin, the focus was on fish (“Mehr sehen”).

“Science building bridges” is the slogan of this year’s science festival “Science in the city”, which takes place in Copenhagen. At the fringe of the European Open Science Forum (ESOF) conference, the festival aims at connecting scientists, delegates and public.

Paul Kotterba, PhD student at the Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries, has won this year’s science communication contest “Rostock’s Eleven”, with his presentation on the role of sticklebacks as herring egg predators.

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