BONUS-Project: BIO-C3
BONUS-Project: BIO-C3: Biodiversity changes - causes, consequences and management implications
Biodiversity changes - causes, consequences and management implications.
Background and Objective
The ultimate goal of BIO-C3 is to significantly advance our knowledge base towards management of the Baltic Sea biodiversity in an ecosystem perspective, considering the meso-scale spatial and regional heterogeneity of the system, origin of the biota and current/future pressures of drivers impacting the Baltic and its subsystems.
To assess the role of biodiversity in marine ecosystems, BIO-C3 uses a natural laboratory: the Baltic Sea. The Baltic is perfectly suited since its species composition is very young, with current salt level persisting for only a few thousand years. It is also relatively species poor, and extinctions of residents or invasions of new species are therefore expected to have a more dramatic effect compared to species rich and presumably more stable ecosystems.
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Involved Thünen-Partners
Funding Body
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
(national, öffentlich) -
European Union (EU)
(international, öffentlich)
6.2013 - 12.2017
More Information
Funding program: EU – ERA-NET BONUS
Project status:
- 0
Behrens JW, Ryberg MP, Einberg H, Eschbaum R, Florin A-B, Grygie W, Herrmann JP, Huwer B, Hüssy K, Knospina E, Noomaa K, Oesterwind D, Polte P, Smolinski S, Udzups D, van Deurs M, Ojaveer H (2022) Seasonal depth distribution and thermal experience of the non-indigenous round goby Neogobius melanostomus in the Baltic Sea: implications to key trophic relations. Biol Invasions 24:527–541, DOI:10.1007/s10530-021-02662-w
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Behrens JW, Oesterwind D, Bergström U, Borcherding J, Carruel G, Florin A-B, Green L, Henseler C, Jusufovski D, Lilja J, Moran NP, Mosegaard H, Naddafi R, Noomaa K, Ojaveer H, Olsson J, Pedersen EM, Puntila-Dood R, Putnis I, Rozenfelde L, et al (2022) Workshop on stickleback and round goby in the Baltic Sea (WKSTARGATE). Copenhagen: ICES, 56 p, ICES Sci Rep 4(77), DOI:10.17895/
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Henseler C, Oesterwind D, Kotterba P, Nordström MC, Snickars M, Törnroos A, Bonsdorff E (2021) Impact of round goby on native invertebrate communities - An experimental field study. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 541:151571, DOI:10.1016/j.jembe.2021.151571
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Lewin W-C, Weltersbach MS, Haase K, Strehlow HV (2021) Who travels how far: German Baltic sea anglers’ travel distances as precondition for fisheries management and coastal spatial planning. Ocean Coastal Manag 209:105640, DOI:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2021.105640
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Wilsdorf P, Pierce ME, Hillston J, Uhrmacher AM (2019) Round-based Super-individuals - balancing speed and accuracy. In: ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (PADS 2019), 03-05 June 2019, Chicago, IL, USA. pp 95-98, DOI:10.1145/3316480.3322894
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Puntila R, Strake S, Florin A-B, Naddafi R, Lehtiniemi M, Behrens JW, Kotta J, Oesterwind D, Putnis I, Smolinski S, Wozniczka A, Ojaveer H, Lozys L, Uspenskiy A, Yurtseva A (2018) Abundance and distribution of Round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) [online]. HELCOM Baltic Sea Environ Fact Sheets 2018:1-10, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 23.08.2018]
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Florin A-B, Hüssy K, Blass M, Oesterwind D, Puntila R, Udzups D, Albrecht C, Heimbrand Y, Knospina E, Koszarowski K, Odelström A (2018) How old are you - Evaluation of age reading methods for the invasive round goby (Neogobius melanosomus, Pallas 1814). J Appl Ichthyol 34(3):653-658, DOI:10.1111/jai.13596
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Reusch TBH, Dierking J, Andersson H, Bonsdorff E, Carstensen J, Casini M, Czajkowski M, Hasler B, Hinsby K, Hyytiäinen K, Johannesson K, Jomaa S, Jormalainen V, Kuosa H, Kurland S, Laikre L, Oesterwind D, Schwarz G, et al (2018) The Baltic Sea as a time machine for the future coastal ocean. Sci Adv 4(5):eaar8195, DOI:10.1126/sciadv.aar8195
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Kotterba P, Moll D, Hammer C, Peck M, Oesterwind D, Polte P (2017) Predation on Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) eggs by the resident predator community in coastal transitional waters. Limnol Oceanogr 62(6):2616-2628, DOI:10.1002/lno.10594
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Kotterba P, Moll D, Nordheim L von, Peck M, Oesterwind D, Polte P (2017) Predation on larval Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) in inshore waters of the Baltic Sea. Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 198:1-11, DOI:10.1016/j.ecss.2017.08.017
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Oesterwind D, Bock C, Förster A, Gabel M, Henseler C, Kotterba P, Menge M, Myts D, Winkler HM (2017) Predator and prey: the role of the round goby Neogobius melanostomus in the western Baltic. Mar Biol Res 13(2):188-197, DOI:10.1080/17451000.2016.1241412
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Lehtiniemi M, Bonsdorff E, Funk SC, Herlevi H, Huwer B, Jaspers C, Kotta J, Kotterba P, Lesutiene J, Margonski P, Mattern S, Niemax J, Nurske K, Oesterwind D, Ojaveer H, Puntila R, Skabeikis A, Smolinski S, Temming A, Törnroos A, Warzocha J (2017) Report assessing the effects of key NIS on ecosystem functioning. 196 p, DOI:10.3289/BIO-C3_D2.3
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Zaiko A, Calkiewicz J, Eero M, Dorrien C von, Kuosa H, Klais R, Lehtiniemi M, Margonski P, Oesterwind D, Ojaveer H, Rau A, Reusch TBH, Törnroos A, Warzocha J, Winder M (2017) Response of biodiversity indicators to management measures (test of indicators). EU Bonusproject BIO-C3, 72 p, DOI:10.3289/BIO-C3_D5.1
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Probst WN, Rau A, Oesterwind D (2016) A proposal for restructuring descriptor 3 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Mar Policy 74:128-135, DOI:10.1016/j.marpol.2016.09.026
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Oesterwind D, Rau A, Zaiko A (2016) Drivers and pressures - untangling the terms commonly used in marine science and policy. J Environ Manag 181:8-15, DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.05.058
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Köster F-W, Huwer B, Hinrichsen HH, Neumann V, Makarchouk A, Eero M, Dewitz B von, Hüssy K, Tomkiewicz J, Margonski P, Temming A, Hermann J-P, Oesterwind D, Dierking J, Kotterba P, Plikshs M (2016) Eastern Baltic cod recruitment revisited - dynamics and impacting factors. ICES J Mar Sci 74(1):3-19, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsw172
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Winder M, Asterhag E, Bernreuther M, Bleckner T, Bonaglia S, Bonsdorff E, Brüchert V, Burian A, Dierking J, Downing A, Dutz J, Griniene E, Fey DP, Griffiths JR, Gårdmark A, Hajdu S, Hammer C, Herrmann Joachim, Kotterba P, Oesterwind D, et al (2016) Food webs under changing biodiversity - Top-down control. BIO-C3 Deliverable, D2.2. 40 p, DOI:10.3289/BIO-C3_D2.2
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Winder M, Berghoff L, Burian A, Clemmesen C, Dutz J, Fey DP, Golz A, Huwer B, Margonski P, Middelboe AL, Neuenfeldt S, Nielsen J, Oesterwind D, et al (2016) Report on effects of changing drivers on pelagic and benthic species composition and production : BIO-C3 Deliverable, D2.1. ; EU Bonusproject BIO-C3. 129 p, DOI:10.3289/BIO-C3_D2.1
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Jonsson P, Hinrichsen HH, Kotta J, Kotterba P, Middelboe AL, Oesterwind D, Bonsdorff E (2016) Report on the importance of connectivity as a driver of biodiversity (populations, species, communities, habitats). EU Bonusproject BIO-C3, 187 p, DOI:10.3289/BIO-C3_D3.3
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Oesterwind D, Dewitz B von, Döring R, Eero M, Goti L, Kotta J, Nurske K, Ojaveer H, Rau A, Skov H, Stepputtis D, Zaiko A (2016) Review on patterns and dynamics of drivers of biodiversity (species, communities, habitats) across Baltic Sea ecosystems in space and time including socio-economy : BIO-C3 Deliverable, D3.1. 102 p, DOI:10.3289/BIO-C3_D3.1
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Reusch TBH, Dierking J, Köster F-W, Temming A, Winder M, Ojaveer H, Kuso H, Zaiko A, Middelboe AL, Jonsson P, Oesterwind D, Andersson H, Bonsdorff E, et al (2016) Second BONUS Bio-C³ periodic report, 01.01.2015 – 31.12.2015 [online]. 118 p, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 21.11.2016]
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Henseler C, Bock C, Kotterba P, Winkler H, Oesterwind D (2015) Biology, abundance and feeding ecology of the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in the eastern German Baltic. Book of Extended Abstracts: ICES Annual Science Conference 2015, 21.09. – 25.09. Copenhagen, Denmark. Copenhagen: ICES, 2 p
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Reusch TBH, Dierking J, Köster F-W, Temming A, Winder M, Ojaveer H, Kuso H, Zaiko A, Middelboe AL, Jonsson P, Oesterwind D, Andersson H, Bonsdorff E, et al (2015) First BONUS Bio-C³ periodic report, 01.01.2014 – 31.12.2014 [online]. 50 p, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 21.11.2016]
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Temming A, Niemax J, Zaiko A, Aiaulis A, Törnroos A, Clemmesen C, Jaspers C, Oesterwind D, Bonsdorff E, Mittermayer F, Kuosa H, Ojaveer H, Behrens JW, Peters J, Renz J, Kotta J, Dutz J, Lehtiniemi M, Winder M, Kotterba P, et al (2015) Review of environmental factors influencing distributions of selected Baltic species. BIO-C3 Deliverable, D1.1. EU Bonusproject BIO-C3. 75 p, DOI:10.3289/BIO-C3_D1.1
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Oesterwind D, Kotterba P (2015) Zwischenbericht BONUS Ecosystem Verbundprojekt Bio-C3. 14 p