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Institute of

OF Baltic Sea Fisheries

Dr. Christopher Zimmermann

Christopher Zimmermann

Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries

Alter Hafen Süd 2
18069 Rostock
+49 381 66099 101
+49 381 66099 199

Fields of activity

  • Director of the Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries
  • German member of the Advisory Committee of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES-ACOM) since 2002, one of the two German ICES delegates (Council) since 2015
  • Scientific advisor to policy makers (regional, Federal and EU administrations and parliaments), retailers and industry, environmental NGOs
  • Initiator and project lead for „Fischbestände online“
  • Project lead for the German pilots on the Catch Quota Management and Electronic Monitoring
  • Member of the Technical Advisory Board of the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC-TAB, chair 2011-2016 and 2021-2023), London, member of the MSC Board of Trustees (2011-2017and 2021-2023) (charitable)
  • Vice chairmen of the board of advisors of the Foundation of the German Maritime Museum (DMM), member of the scientific advisory board of the German Fisher’s Federation (DFV) and and of the advisory board of the Institute of Inland Fisheries Research Potsdam Sacrow

Scientific background

since 2013: Director of the Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries

2005-2013: Deputy director of the Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries (until 2008 part of the Federal Research Centre for Fisheries), Rostock. Teaching at Rostock and Hamburg Universities, and within ICES training courses. Reviewer for scientific journals, international projects and national and international project proposal. Member of the EU-„Marine Observation and Data Expert Group“ (MODEG) 2008-2015, member of many ICES expert groups, chair of some, member of various STECF Expert groups

1997-2005: Scientist at the Sea Fisheries Institute, Fed. Res. Centre for Fisheries, Hamburg, since 2002 head of the pelagics department, inter alia responsible for acoustic surveys and stock assessment of small pelagic fish, many sea-going surveys to the North Sea, since 2002 German member of ICES ACFM

1997: Short-term lectureship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) at Univ. Bung Hatta, Padang/Indonesia

1996-1997: various contracts in the framework of different soft money funded projects at the Institute for Polar Ecology, participation in teaching

1993-1996: PhD student at Kiel University, Institute of Polar Ecology (comparative ecophysiology of polar fish, fisheries biology), 2-3 months research trips to the Arctic (Svalbard) and the Antarctic (McMurdo) 1996: PhD (Dr. rer. nat) at Univ. Kiel, fisheries biology

1993: 2 months Internship at a coral reef protection project in Padang/Indonesia

1993: Diploma (Dipl.-Biol.) at Kiel University, Institute of Polar Ecology (zoogeography of the high-Antarctic fish fauna)

1986-1991: Studies of marine biology, zoology, limnology and physical oceanography at Kiel University, sea-going surveys to the Baltic Sea and the Antarctic

Publications (peer reviewed)

  1. 0

    Delaney A, Reid DG, Zimmermann C, Kraan M, Steins N, Kaiser MJ (2023) Socio-technical approaches are needed for innovation in fisheries. Rev Fish Sci Aquacult 31(2):161-179, DOI:10.1080/23308249.2022.2047886

  2. 1

    Haase K, Weltersbach MS, Lewin W-C, Zimmermann C, Strehlow HV (2022) Potential effects of management options on marine recreational fisheries - the example of the western Baltic cod fishery. ICES J Mar Sci 79(3):661-676, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsac012

  3. 2

    Meyer S, Krumme U, Stepputtis D, Zimmermann C (2022) Use of a smartphone application for self-reporting in small-scale fisheries: Lessons learned during a fishing closure in the western Baltic Sea. Ocean Coastal Manag 224:106186, DOI:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2022.106186

  4. 3

    Polte P, Gröhsler T, Kotterba P, Nordheim L von, Moll D, Santos J, Rodriguez-Tress P, Zablotski Y, Zimmermann C (2021) Reduced reproductive success of Western Baltic herring (Clupea harengus) as a response to warming winters. Front Mar Sci 8:589242, DOI:10.3389/fmars.2021.589242

  5. 4

    Helmond ATM van, Mortensen LO, Plet-Hansen KS, Ulrich C, Needle CL, Oesterwind D, Kindt-Larsen L, Catchpole T, Mangi S, Zimmermann C, Olesen HJ, Bailey N, Bergsson H, Dalskov J, Elson J, Hosken M, Peterson L, McElderry H, Ruiz J, Pierre JP, et al (2020) Electronic monitoring in fisheries: Lessons from global experiences and future opportunities. Fish Fisheries 21(1):162-189, DOI:10.1111/faf.12425

  6. 5

    Eero M, Hinrichsen HH, Hjelm J, Huwer B, Hüssy K, Köster F-W, Margonski P, Plikshs M, Storr-Paulsen M, Zimmermann C (2019) Designing spawning closures can be complicated: Experience from cod in the Baltic Sea. Ocean Coastal Manag 169:129-136, DOI:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2018.12.018

  7. 6

    Dodson JJ, Daigle G, Hammer C, Polte P, Kotterba P, Winkler G, Zimmermann C (2019) Environmental determinants of larval herring (Clupea harengus) abundance and distribution in the western Baltic Sea. Limnol Oceanogr 64(1):317-329, DOI:10.1002/lno.11042

  8. 7

    Belschner T, Ferretti J, Strehlow HV, Kraak SBM, Döring R, Kraus G, Kempf A, Zimmermann C (2019) Evaluating fisheries systems: A comprehensive analytical framework and its application to the EU’s common fisheries policy. Fish Fisheries 20(1):97-109, DOI:10.1111/faf.12325

  9. 8

    Zimmermann C, Hammer C (2017) Zum Beispiel Kabeljau und Hering : Fischerei, Überfischung und Fischereimanagement im Nordatlantik. In: Hempel G, Bischof K, Hagen W (eds) Faszination Meeresforschung : ein ökologisches Lesebuch. 2. Aufl. Berlin: Springer, pp 427-441, DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-49741-2_39

  10. 9

    Eero M, Hjelm J, Behrens JW, Buchmann K, Cardinale M, Casini M, Gasyukov P, Holmgren N, Horbowy J, Hüssy K, Kirkegaard E, Kornilovs G, Krumme U, Köster F-W, Oeberst R, Plikshs M, Radtke K, Raid T, Schmidt JO, Zimmermann C, et al (2015) Food for thought : Eastern Baltic cod in distress: biological changes and challenges for stock assessment. ICES J Mar Sci 72(8):2180-2186, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsv109

Publications (all)

  1. 0

    Zimmermann C (2024) "Only 100 cod left in the North Sea" oder "Die falscheste Schlagzeile aller Zeiten". In: Deutscher Angelfischerverband (ed) Fisch des Jahres 2024: Der Dorsch oder Kabeljau (Gadus morhua). Berlin: Deutscher Angelfischerverband eV, pp 83-85

  2. 1

    Barz K, Strehlow HV, Arlinghaus R, Korzhenevych A, Meyer S, Zimmermann C (2024) Wirtschaftliche Bedeutung des Kabeljaus oder Dorsches. In: Deutscher Angelfischerverband (ed) Fisch des Jahres 2024: Der Dorsch oder Kabeljau (Gadus morhua). Berlin: Deutscher Angelfischerverband eV, pp 17-21

  3. 2

    Barz K, Zimmermann C (2024) Zustand der Kabeljaubestände im Nordost-Atlantik. In: Deutscher Angelfischerverband (ed) Fisch des Jahres 2024: Der Dorsch oder Kabeljau (Gadus morhua). Berlin: Deutscher Angelfischerverband eV, pp 45-56

  4. 3

    Delaney A, Reid DG, Zimmermann C, Kraan M, Steins N, Kaiser MJ (2023) Socio-technical approaches are needed for innovation in fisheries. Rev Fish Sci Aquacult 31(2):161-179, DOI:10.1080/23308249.2022.2047886

  5. 4

    Riekhof M-C, Albrecht W, Bauer A, Winterhoff E, Besch D, Breckling P, Detloff K, Diemel V, Greve O, Hockun K, Janssen G, Knefelkamp B, Knoke V, Marckwardt L, Momme M, Pott H, Röpke A, Rumpf J, Zimmermann C, Riechers M, et al (2023) Zukunft der deutschen Ostseefischerei: Bericht der Leitbildkommission Ostseefischerei. Bonn: Leitbildkommission Ostseefischerei/BMEL, 36 p

  6. 5

    Zimmermann C (2022) Der Hering - Fisch des Jahres 2021 und 2022. Rundschau Fleischhygiene Lebensmittelüberwachung 74(5):169-172

  7. 6

    Zimmermann C (2022) Fischbestände und Fischerei in der Ostsee. Geogr Rundsch 74(11):22-26

  8. 7

    Haase K, Weltersbach MS, Lewin W-C, Zimmermann C, Strehlow HV (2022) Potential effects of management options on marine recreational fisheries - the example of the western Baltic cod fishery. ICES J Mar Sci 79(3):661-676, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsac012

  9. 8

    Krumme U, Meyer S, Kratzer I, Chladek J-C, Barz F, Stepputtis D, Strehlow HV, Kraak SBM, Zimmermann C (2022) STELLA - Stellnetzfischerei-Lösungsansätze : Projekt-Abschlussbericht. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 220 p, Thünen Rep 97, DOI:10.3220/REP1662104969000

  10. 9

    Meyer S, Krumme U, Stepputtis D, Zimmermann C (2022) Use of a smartphone application for self-reporting in small-scale fisheries: Lessons learned during a fishing closure in the western Baltic Sea. Ocean Coastal Manag 224:106186, DOI:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2022.106186

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