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Institute of

AK Climate-Smart Agriculture


Publication regarding flux measurements of total reactive nitrogen

Pascal Wintjen et al.: Forest–atmosphere exchange of reactive nitrogen in a remote region – Part I: Measuring temporal dynamics

Measuring setup at the Bavarian Forest National Park
© Thünen-Institut/AK

Measuring setup at the Bavarian Forest National Park

The main topic of part I (the whole study consists of two parts) is the analysis of TRANC (Total Reactive Atmospheric Nitrogen Converter) measurements. We conducted flux measurements of total reactive nitrogen using the TRANC based on the Eddy-Covariance method above a mixed forest exposed to low air pollution levels located in the Bavarian Forest National Park. Thus, we were able to investigate natural exchange mechanisms of reactive nitrogen and estimate nitrogen background deposition.

We measured low concentrations of ammonia and total reactive nitrogen. DELTA-Denuder, passive sampler (NH3), TRANC, and Quantum-Cascade-Laser (NH3) agreed well in their concentrations. During the entire measurement campaign, we measured mostly deposition fluxes. We estimated 3.8 and 4.0 kg N ha-1 a-1 as annual dry deposition of total reactive nitrogen from June 2016 to May 2017 and June 2017 to May 2018, respectively. Adding results from the wet deposition measurements, we determined 12.2 and 10.9 kg N ha-1 a-1 as total nitrogen deposition in the 2 years of observation.


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