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Institute of

AK Climate-Smart Agriculture


Hannah Götze, Caroline Buchen-Tschiskale et al.: Effects of inhibitors and slit incorporation on NH₃ and N₂O emission processes after urea application

Soil incubation vessels with urea applied using inhibitors and slit incorporation technique

Carla Süß, Björn Kemmann, Mirjam Helfrich et al.: Nitrogen transformation as affected by decomposition of ¹⁵N-labeled cover crop shoots and roots

Microcosm from above. You can see the pieces of cover crops mixed with the soil.

Mirjam Helfrich, René Dechow, Simone Merl et al.: Winter cover crops decreased soil mineral N contents and increased soil organic C stocks and N₂O emission

Field experiment in Northern Germany

David Emde, Christopher Poeplau et al.: The centennial legacy of land-use change on organic carbon stocks of German agricultural soils

Christopher Poeplau, Rene Dechow et al.: Towards an ecosystem capacity to stabilise organic carbon in soils

Well, R., Ruoss, N. et al. Effect of agricultural management system ("cash crop", "livestock" and "climate optimized") on nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions

Strip till technology with below root application of biogas digestate slurry at the Soest field site (North-Rhine Westphalia)

Claas Voigt et al.: Impact of vegetation composition and seasonality on sensitivity of modelled CO₂ exchange in temperate raised bogs

View into a raised bog

Sophie Drexler & Axel Don: Carbon sequestration potential in hedgerow soils: Results from 23 sites in Germany

Climate change and Carbon sequestration ...

Fallow farmland in northern Germany

Marcus Schiedung et al.: Millennial-aged pyrogenic carbon in high-latitude mineral soils

Boreal forest near Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, Canada. Forest in the back burned two years before.

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