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AK Climate-Smart Agriculture


Paper about the method of the F+E project "Background information for the implementation of a German Peatland Protection Strategy – Part 2

Wiltrut Koppensteiner et al.: Ermittlung von Potenzialgebieten für Moorschutzmaßnahmen in Deutschland

Examples of overall assessments of “prospects of implementation” and “potential maximum effects”.
© Thünen-Institut/AK

Examples of overall assessments of “prospects of implementation” (left side) and “potential maximum effects” (right side). Hatched areas indicate measures already implemented.

Our paper "Identifying target areas for peatland protection in Germany" is published in special issue Natur und Landschaft of the journal Natur und Landschaft. In the paper we present the method of the F+E project "Background information for the implementation of a German Peatland Protection Strategy – Part 2":
We used consistent indicators of both restricting and enabling framework conditions to identify areas with comparatively good prospects of short- and medium-term implementation of peatland protection measures. The indicators address hydrology/topography, legal status, current land use and agricultural value added. We assessed the importance for peatland protection measures of up to 26 indicators. All indicators are combined to derive “prospects of implementation” and “potential maximum effects of peatland protection measures”.

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